Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak
Slide Projectors
by Kodak AG Stuttgart CMS edition 6/98 -QR-Ekta.pm65
Extra Bright Lamp Module
Safety Precautions
Do not use a lamp type EXW/15 h for the projector (higher temperature - lamp not
available from Kodak).
Consider the room temperature! It may not exceed 35 degrees C!
If these hints are not considered, mounts may deform!
According to a temperature increase in the slide gate which, therefore, needs more careful
handling when using slides, mounts and lamp
With the higher light output of the Extra Bright Lamp Module the temperature in the slide gate rises.
To enable a smooth operation following hints should be considered:
only light
light gray
slide mounts (e.g.
Wess slide mounts). Slide mounts with only one dark side or
black side have to be sorted in respectively, mounted with the
side facing the lamp. Please pay special attention when sorting
your slide mounts in rear projections: