PDD K04/0217
Page 15
10.5. Filter
The filter function "
" forms a running average from the measured values. The
following values can be set (see section 8; set up):
1 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 64
They correspond to the number of samples used in the running average. The
filter value determines the dynamic behaviour of the display value. The larger the
adjusted value, the slower the display response. With a filter value of "1" the filter
is switched off, i.e. the display value is equal to the unfiltered measured value.
The integrated step function detector reacts to a change of value corresponding
to approx. 6.25% of the full scale value. As soon as a step function signal is
detected, the instantaneous measured value is directly indicated in the display.
10.6. Time
Using the menu items
“dS1”, “dS2”, “dr1”
“dr2” (PDD –5/7 and
respectively “dSE” and “drE” (PDD- 1/2)
it is possible to set the switch-on-
delay (delay set) and the switch-off-delay (delay reset.
The delay set causes delayed switching of the output if the switching point is
The delay reset causes a delayed resetting of the output when falling short of the
switching point – hysteresis.
The setting range for both parameters is 0.0 ... 99.5 seconds. The step rate is 0.5
With these two functions it is also possible to suppress temporary disturbances.
10.7. Contact
In menu option "
the transistor switching output function is
set. The switching function changes from
and back.
N.O. contact means: Contact closes on exceeding the switch point.
N.C. contact means: Contact opens on exceeding the switch point.