page 6
APS-Z/APK-Z/ARS-Z K04/1122
6. Calibration and measuring
Always follow the instructions in the manual for the transmitter you are
using as well!
When a new pH electrode is placed in operation with a measurement
amplifier, a calibration must be performed.
Typically, a two-point calibration is required for pH electrodes. Two standard
buffer solutions are required (for example pH 7.0 and 4.0). Usually, the
buffer solutions are selected to bracket the later measurement range.
Rinse off the electrode with water between measurements!
First Step
Connect the pH/redox electrode with the transmitter and immerse it in a buffer or
test solution (for example pH 7.0 or 468 mV).
With manual temperature entry, adjust the temperature of the buffer solution
on the measuring instrument.
Wait until the display value for the pH/redox (and temperature) has
stabilized. Then adjust the pH/redox value of the first buffer/test solution on
the transmitter.
Rinse off the pH electrode with deionized water and carefully dry it with a soft cloth.
For redox electrodes the calibration is now complete