Adding books using a Micro SD card
You can increase the number of books your eReader can hold by adding a microSD card with
books already stored on it. Books must be in EPUB or PDF format. It does not matter how they are
organized on the card — your eReader will scan the entire card for books and list any that it finds in
your library. The eReader will ignore any files that it cannot read.
You can
t add DRM-protected books using a microSD card.
Your eReader does not copy books from the card, it merely reads the books that are
stored on it. This means that you need to leave your card inserted while you read any
books on it.
To add books on a microSD card:
Put your EPUB or PDF files on a microSD card.
Turn off your eReader.
Insert the card into the the card slot at the side of the eReader and push gently until it
slides in.
Turn on your eReader.
Your eReader will scan the card for books and documents, and update your library. This may take
a few moments.
Adding books using your computer
You can connect your eReader to your computer and then drag and drop books to add them to your
eReader library.
To do this you need:
A Windows or Mac computer
A USB cable provided with your eReader
The books you want to add to your eReader in EPUB or PDF format
To add books using a Mac computer:
Connect your eReader to your computer using the provided USB cable.
on your eReader screen.
On your computer
s desktop, double-click
Open a Finder window, and go to where you stored the EPUB or PDF files you want to
transfer to your eReader.
Drag and drop the files into the eReader window.