9. Continues to malfunction after restarting - Factory Reset
10. Kobo freezes during reboot - Factory Reset.
Always remember, soft reset is the first step to fix most of Kobo
issues, but if it failed, and there is no other way to solve this issue, try to
perform factory reset. And before perform factory reset, please
books and documents on Kobo device.
Quick Accesses:
Kobo E-Ink reader: Factory Reset
Reset Kobo Arc 7, Kobo Arc 7HD, Kobo Arc 10HD
How to Reset Kobo E-Ink reader:
For Kobo Aura H2O, Kobo Glo HD, Kobo Touch 2.0, Kobo eReader, Kobo Wi-
Fi, Kobo Touch, Kobo Glo, Kobo Mini, Kobo Aura, Kobo Aura HD.
Soft Reset:
If possible, turn off your eReader. Locate the small hole on the
bottom of your eReader. Unfold a paperclip and slide an end into the hole.
Press gently until you feel a click. Your eReader should restart.