Installation Instruction for Optional Steel Rack (CH80R36U)
(Not Included)
Method A: Installing Steel Rack to Cabinet
1) Secure the rack support on the cabinet by using the
short screws. (Step 1)
2) Place the Steel Rack Shelf on the rack support.
(Step 2)
3) Attach the rack support cover over the bar of the
Steel Rack Shelf first, then snap it into place at the
bottom. (Step 3)
4) The cover should fit snugly to hold the Steel Rack
Shelf securely. (Step 4)
Method B: Installing Steel Rack to Cabinet
1) Drill a ¼” hole in the wall, use the long screws & the plastic screw cover to attach the steel
rack support onto the wall. (Step 1)
2) Place the Steel Rack Shelf on the rack support. (Step 2)
3) Attach the rack support cover over the bar of the Steel Rack Shelf first then snap it into
place at the bottom. (Step 3)
4) The cover should fit snugly to hold the Steel Rack Shelf securely. (Step 4)