The range of the volume control is from full volume (unity gain) to –63 dbm in 1-db steps. There
is no amplifier in the RSIII so the audio signal cannot be boosted beyond what is coming in. To
control volume send a command of the form:
$Vxx+ [ENTER]
Turn Volume up one step
$Vxxu+ [ENTER]
Turn Volume up multiple steps < 9
$Vxxuu+ [ENTER]
Turn Volume up multiple steps > 10
$Vxx- [ENTER]
Turn Volume down one step
$Vxxu- [ENTER]
Turn Volume down multiple steps < 9
$Vxxuu- [ENTER]
Turn Volume down multiple steps > 10
$Vxxyy [ENTER]
Set Volume level
$Cvuu [ENTER]
Set ALL Volume levels together
Where xx is an output number, yy is a number from 00 to 63, u is a number from 1 to 9 and uu is
a number from 10 to 63.
The $Vxx+ command will increment the current volume setting by one to a maxim value of 00.
While the $Vxx- command will do the opposite and decrement the current volume setting by one
to a minimum value of -63. The $V command understands that the volume control is an
attenuator and the command itself does not use the polarity sign when the value is sent. The +
and – signs are used to indicate the direction of the level change; that is up or down respectively.
The polarity of the volume is displayed as a negative number when displayed or retrieved.
The volume command also allows the volume to be set in steps greater than 1. A number in front
of the + or – sign (besides the output number $Vxxu+) changes the level in multiple steps. Thus
$Vxx+ increases the volume by 1 step while $Vxx3+ increases it by 3 steps. There is a special
case for the clear command a $CVuu will clear ALL output channels to the value specified by uu.
The default setting is –63 (minimum). BASS AND TREBLE CONTROL
To control bass and treble send a command of the form:
$Bxx+ [ENTER]
$Bxx- [ENTER]
$Bxxyy [ENTER]
for bass and
$Txx+ [ENTER]
$Txx- [ENTER]
$Txxyy [ENTER]
for treble.
The $Bxx+ and $Txx+ commands will increment the current tone setting by one to a maxim
value of +7. The $Bxx- and $Txx- commands will decrement the current tone setting by one to a
minimum value of -7. The range of yy is from 00 to 14 (-7 to +7, cut or boost) yet the value sent
in the $B or $T command does not directly correspond to the displayed/retrieved value. Use
Table 1 to determine the value of yy to send. A value of 0 (flat) is the default setting.