Page 9
Assembly Instructions
Agile Boost Desk
Reset original status:
Press “UP” and “DOWN” for 10 seconds until
you hear a beep sound, now the system into factory default data.
Limited height setting:
Press “UP” and “DOWN” buttons for 5
seconds until you hear a beep sound, limited height setting success.
(minimum limited height < 96, maximum limited height > 97).
Lock and unlock:
Press “UP” and “S” button for 5 seconds, screen
display “LOC”, system locked up, Press “DOWN” and “S” button for 5
seconds, screen display “LOC” turn to number, system unlocked.
Pressing “S” key for 5 second until digital screen display shows
“S-1”, press “UP” or “DOWN” key to choose the below.
S-1 = Metric and inch display
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Metric
1 - Inch
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-2 = Gyroscope anti collision sensitivity
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Shut down
1 - The most insensitive
8 - The most sensitive
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-3 = Sensitivity of upwards anti collision
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Shut down
1 - The most insensitive
8 - The most sensitive
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-4 = Sensitivity of downwards anti collision
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Shut down
1 - The most insensitive
8 - The most sensitive
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-5 = Basic height setting
Use “up” & “down” buttons to adjust the basic height.
S-6 = “S” button height operation choose
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Long pressing desk running, hands off desk stop running
1 - Click desk running, second click to stop running
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-7 = Operation duty recycle
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Indicate shutting 2min/18 min duty recycle, controller under
temperature protection
1 - Indicate start 2min/18min
Press “S” to make selection and save.
S-8 = Select desk surface decline sensitivity
Select “up” & “down” buttons to navigate to selection
0 - Shut down
1 - 0.5°
2 - 1.0°
3 - 1.5°
4 - 2.0°
5 - 2.5°
6 - 3.0°
7 - 3.5°
8 - 4.0°
Press “S” to make selection and save.
Advanced Function Settings