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Summary of Contents for SUN-TRAVELLER-TI 2004

Page 1: ...Mrnulr KNAUS Mosn HomE SIrN TnevsunR Tf p u E E E E E I I f w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 2: ...mentarl Notes Description Equipment General ConstrLrction and Eq ripmerrt of the lobile Home Seating Layout Before the Journev Before the First Joumel Reeistedns the lobile Honre Parvload t 2 1 2 6 2 6 1A 2 1 2 1 2 7 _ i l j 3 r 1t 4 l 1 t 4 l t1 E1 E1 x1 x1 Ej 8 1 Loading the N obi e Houe Checking the N lobile Home Belore Starting the Jottmey Brakes TVre Pressure djusting tlre Vehicle Seats Base ...

Page 3: the Glass Dome Extending the Cover Opening Closine the Nlosquito Blind Flat Screen Teler ision Folding Dou n and Adjusting tlie Television Removing the Flat Screen Television ClosingiQpsping Foldine Blind fol Hrltze Glass Roof Adjusting Aerial last Extendable Rear Ladder Sleeping 6 l 6 l 6 1 6 1 6 l 6 2 5 l 5 t s 3 6 1 7 l 7 1 7 2 7 2 1 3 1 3 7 1 1 4 7 5 1 6 7 1 i 1 7 9 7 r0 1 n 1 2 8 l 8 l 8 1...

Page 4: ...1 7 3 I 1 8 l 1 9 t2 1t I i 1 r l t 1 Fresh Vater Suppll hsteri ater Disposal t0 1 l0 r 10 i 10 l 1 0 2 I 0 2 I l t 11 r I l l j J l _l J Empn ing the arer Svsrenl Empn ing the Fresh ater Tanl Empq ing the asteu ater Tank Porver Suppll Porver Supplr 30 C llvlains Nlakine Elecrical conxecrion Betueen Mobile Honie and poiler point Onboard Control l2 DC Pouer Supply in the Living Area Protection of t...

Page 5: ...eating rvith LPG Hot ater Heatine rvith 130 lA C Hot ater Heating rvith LPG and 130 C Emprying Hot ater Boiler lde Heaterl Cooking Baking Using the Gas Cooker Refrigerator R I7605 L Contlols Air Conditioning Operating the Air Conditiomn Controls Adjustr nent of the Direction of the Air Florv ll 3 11 1f I I t 11 I t 1 t2 1 I 2 8 110 I l 9 1l 10 t t r L t i I b 1l l4 13 l l3 1 14 1 1 I l5 1 l5 I I I...

Page 6: ...rhaust Gas lest Sen ice Charr Troubleshooting and Fault Rectification Specifications T res Genelal Notes on the T tes TVre Pressr re Table Payload eights for Packages Optional Equl Explanations on the Payload Calculat Mass in Running Order Basic Equipment I 8 4 19 1 19 1 I 9 l I 9 3 1 9 3 19 1 9 5 1 9 r 19 1 9 7 20 l 20 1 20 1 27 l r I t1 I 1t I 22 2 T 3 1 O 11 0 1l o lt 10 l l0 ll l I 11 t1 l pnr...

Page 7: ...t rnnrys Srcrtot 0 Checklist 24 f I1 25 Checkiist for Pelsonal Entries Index 21 r tt a 25 1 l I la I I a a I i I S I I I F 3 I I r i t1 I l u I Sc Tnq etLrn Tl 1 1 00 GB 10 001 0 6 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 8: ...Sncrtox I FonnwoRD t w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 9: ...ed dealership u il1 be happ1 to adt ise and assist vou on ail maners relating to your KilAL S product Only approvecl spare parts fi on r tire original manufacturer can ensure qualit v and a perfect fit e cannot ftilfi1 our arrantv obligations according to the terms of our warrant v if maintenance u ork has been neglected or carried out incorrectl please send your completed warranty card to K tAaS ...

Page 10: ...Sncruorv 2 I O SerarY rrsTRUCTrotys w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 11: ...ox 2 Please notC in paiticuiar that we cannof accept aoy tinnilit v for damage and operatingproblemscausedb r ignoringirri anuaI This safe r s1 mbOl appears when operatingprocedqrys must beobserer d fu funl o CAUTIOI This safety symbol appears when operating procedures must be observed in full to prevent damage to propertl NOTE This safety syrnbol appears rvhen the user must pav particular attenti...

Page 12: permitted to carry persons in the living area of the mobile home during the journey iu accordancs ith Germantrafficregulatio s Hou everthesepersorr nu1 onlyrideonti reseatsdesignatedforthispurpose seesection3 f i Seating Arrangement persons facing fonvard in the iiving ur u of the mobile home uhile the vehicle is in motion must rvear the three poir rt seat belrs persons seatecl facing the rear ...

Page 13: ...s ensllre there is adequate ventilation rvhen residing in the mobiie home Forced ail vents in the roof lights must ner erbe obstructed e g by r inter mats or sealed because of the risk of suffocation flour increased CO carbon monox ide levels in the air you must read the individual manuals for all installed systerns e g gas heater gas cooker refrigerator etc and the base vehicle engine brakes etc ...

Page 14: ... infonn you about this Safety Instructions for the Gas System I OTE The overall gas sl stem is designed for an operating pressure of 30 millibar mbarl Any installations or modificatious to the gas systenr must be carried out b1 quaiified specialistsl The LPG liquefied petroleum uas system is inspected bi an engineer before it leaves the factory The gas system must be re inspected every 2 years and...

Page 15: ... itching on gas appliances rvhich are ignited by pressing a button it must be ensured that this automatically retllrns to its original position after pressingl Never seal the forced air vents in the roof lightl The flue pipe from the gas heatel must be rising along its er rtire length and be fastened secr irely ir r place with clips and gas flr re pipe supports if necessaryl The flue pipe mnst be ...

Page 16: ... Safet v Prevention of Fire Hazards I r r r t t t r r r L All repairs and modifications to the electrical oI LPG svstems and eqr ripment must be carried out by trained persorurell Never leave childreu unattended in the mobile hon rel Keep flanimable matelials atvay from heating and cookirlg appliancesl Never r rse portable heating or cooking appliancesl 2 5 2 Fire Fighting It is recommended to alu...

Page 17: ... a shon er door r The toilet cubicle is onlv allox ed to the cleaned w th a damp cloth 1 Environmental Notes Collect all opelating fluids 1e g rbricants spent oil and detergents in sr ritable cotttainers and dispose of correctly Never dispose of asteu ater of anl kind or domestic refuse in the gulter or in the countrvside Ahvays enlpt v the aste ater tank and the Thetford unit at disposal fhciliti...

Page 18: ...ispose of don restic refuse in r aste bins ir r cal parks Ask about disposal facilities in tou ns and districts If residing for a lorr_u period iu a tou n or district look for a speciall v designated parking piace for mobile hornes Ask about parking facilities in to us or districts Turn off tlie vehicle engine u hen parked The engine operatinu Ietllperatltre is reaclied n rost effectivell by drir ...

Page 19: ...Sncrrox 3 affi W D a s cRrPrrort E gtnruta xr w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 20: ...home 3 The double skin GFRP roof GFRP glass fibre reinforce plastic on the mobile home is a single piece ar rd is mauufacnrred using a vaculrlll process An additional surface coating gel coat is applied to the top layer of the GFRP during manltfacture 3 Another leature of the K lLlS mobile home is the wooden and PU panelling of the side rvalls both in the contouring of the mobile home and ir r all...

Page 21: ...or temperatures due to a dedicated flow of hot air from tl re heatir rg 3 ln there is a danger of frost and the fi esh u ater or aste ater tan L is full the flap must be opened to heat the tanks To prevent freezing or excessive heating the heater po er to the tanks is to be increased or reduced by regulating the flap for the flou of hot air actuation of the cord or the rotan knob 3 1 1 Seating Lay...

Page 22: ...SEcruox 1 BnpoRE THE Jo rRtYEY I I I J l l l 1 l I A w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 23: ...tness at regular intervals 4 2 Registering the Mobile Home CAUTION Never drive the vehicle rvithout a numtrer plate or insurance cover lobile homes are vehicles in the seuse of Gerrnan traffic legulations Nlobile homes must be otficialiy registered before they are driven or r public roads Nlobile hor ttes mav uot be operated ithout vaiid insr rrance 6Jxl5 6 J r 16 lv1B6Jx16 Borbet JU 07 6r J x i6 ...

Page 24: ...exceeded and the t1 re pressure is too lon The mobile home could veer out of control 63t additional items carried beyond the information in section 22 2 2 1Mass in Running Order reduce the possible pa1 load 1i order ot to detrimentally affect the handling of vour mobile hor ne take care u hen loading that the centre of gravit v of the payload is directly above the vehicle floor or as close to the ...

Page 25: as possible if 1 ou need to go onto the roof of the mobile home It is oniy aliou ed to u alk on the roof of the mobile home lvith soft shoes e g sporls shoes l Avoid rvalking on tire roof ith texruretr soled footu ear as an stones embedledin the soles rvil l dent the otlter skin of the mobile homel i I l d I J J J I d j I a I J i i 1 I Take extra cantior r hen u alking over the roof of the vehi...

Page 26: ...r indo s roof lights and HEK1 excellt forced entilation cotrectll closed 9 Hale tire susirended light s been takeu do n and safeil stol ed 10 Hrr e all trbies beet i placed in the sleeping positiot see section Sleepingt 11 AIe ot Suletlratallcontatnerss ithliquids ulcludilrgthoseintherefi igerator_cannottipo er 12 Are the gls blrfiles Secufel thstened rr itlr fastenirrg Straps m the qas locker are...

Page 27: ...pages so 1 ou will always have a blank checldist readl to hand before you set out on a journey Brakes AnJ defects in the br ake system must be immediately repaired hy an authorised r l r Ensure that the mobile home s brake system is operating correctly before conrmeucins rn1 journelr To do this ptoceed as bllott s Test the brakes u hile driving at moderate speed and ensure that i the vehicie s bra...

Page 28: ...may lose control of the vehicle as burst if not inflated to the correct a result _ OIIAUS A r l I l rthe correci I f I t 1 the pressure irr the L r L r I L t I t I rvlIr 4 7 4i a The vehicli seats are only to be adjusted when the vehicti is stationar3 l CAUTION When putting on the seat belt it is to be ensured that the seat belt passes inside the armrest r r t t t WARNING B r Startin f h e iourneS...

Page 29: ...fing ihe journey ensurel that both vehicte iiatiare pointing in the diiection of travel and that the rotaiy unit is correctlf iocked To rotate the vehicle seat pull up the unlocking lever 2 and at the same time rotate the seat to the required position Tl re seat locks automaticallv u4ren rotated back to the direction of travel 4 7 2 3 BackrestAdjustment Toadjustthebackresttilt tun rthehandu reel 3...

Page 30: ... u ith tire procedure for changing the r arious bulbs before commencitrg 1 our journey re also reconrmend that you carry a complete set of spare bulbs so that defectii e bulbs can be inmrediatel v replaced ou site if necessarl 4 9 Obtaining a Replacement Key Should vou ever need to obtain replacement kevs for I our mobile lion re then vou should have the follorving information available Elr EI ES ...

Page 31: ...Sacruox 5 DuRrrYG TnE Jo rRtygy w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 32: ...9 in the opposite directron Due to the vehicle height votr need to be au are of the r r robile horue s i uh rerabilitv to side u inds during the jotrrnev Do not underestir r rate the length of vour ruobile hor ne Remer nber to cirange gear in good tiure It i nuJiiatty permitted to carry persons in the living area of ttre monile t om duriug the journey in accordance wiih German traffic regulations ...

Page 33: ...ON Your mobile home runs on diesel fuel onlr g l I z 5 ii I F l i li l I L t ri I I lis I L r I it I t Fr I I F t Fl I L l I L r I t E rl r lVhen nefuilii gj ftake Suie tnat 41t ghi gieA appliances ir ifre a Fire naked flames and smoking are strictlv foiniOaen r lt S forbiditen to luse a mobile phOilA u nOn re fuetfingl Voii should tts obserrt anj ioCai regulafionr ggre iog thE ilid bu rvill find ...

Page 34: ...your vehicle according to the national o gulu ions which appl v in the o rrrty ou ar visiting e g b using the trazaiO s Never lie under the rnobile home rvhen it is jacked upl 1 fr u k is pror ided for rvheet ctranging onll Ii rnust oe i be used for carr ing CAUTION Additional support legs fitted accessories must not tre used to jack up the mobile home a You will find further ilformation about w h...

Page 35: ...Sacrtorv 6 i l I Arrnn rHE JoURIYEY I I I I t E E E tr ooo w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 36: ... t t I I To extencl the xtpport legs pt oceed os follox s l Fit rvlieel brace onto hexagonai nut and turn clockwise to release the support legs from the retaining pin and fold down 2 Adjust support legs to the correct length by pressing the adjusting ler er 3 Continue tr rrning the u heel brace clocku ise until the support legs are fi ril1 on the crould 4 Align mobile home in the direction of trav...

Page 37: ...g of the Sun Au ning l Keep oi1 and grease ar vay from the tent fabric Avoid u ater collecting or r the au ning Never u ash the mobile home u ith the ar vning extended r If vor r do not intend to use the aq nilrg for some time it should be tlioroughl v cleaned see section l g 5 Care and Cleaniilg of the Sr rn Ar r ning and the mechanical parts lightly greased To extencl ctncl retrctct the avttirtg...

Page 38: ...e movinq the support legs so that they ale always at the correct angle to the grourd Reverse the process to retract the au nin_g b KNAUS 4 l tl I ll IJ IJ IJ I J I J IJ IJ IJ rj t i l l t_ t I I 6 3 lJ 05 GB t0 001 St x Trurrttrn Tl w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 39: ...Sncruoy T il n I J I d i J I J I I J I J 1 t I II l I II i It I t Living w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 40: ...m under the upholsterl during the night Cushions erpanded foam should be placed upright and aired to remove an1 moisture Condensation ma v also tbrn r inside the acrl 1ic glass double ulazing units in extrerlte u eather conditions This process is qutte nolmal and can be explaured as follou s Acrylic glass the rnaterial front u hich the u indou s are made is an orgar ric t ttaterial aud tlterefore ...

Page 41: ... g indow develops anl problems r An1 sno I ice and other obstructions must be removed before opening the glass dome l Prior to opening the glass dome under trees in garages or similar ensure there is enough clearance Hints on the cleani g and care of the roof u indou are given in section 19 l Care and Cleaning of the Roof windoui The electricall v operated roof rvi dor is a ailable as1 optional c ...

Page 42: ...tomaticallv To closeilock the glass donte proceed asfollows l Press button untii the glass dome reaches the required position 2 To lock the glass dome u ith the glass dome closed press button until the motor s r itches off automaticalh 7 7 2 Extending the Cor er The roof u indorv has an integrated cover To close the cot er as a ct u tctitt proceed as follov s l Nlol e cover to the required positio...

Page 43: ...e for the cor er until catch engages To open the ntosquito blirtd proceed as follox s 1 Press both irar rdles together and press catch at tl re sar ne time CAUTION Do not allow the mosquito blind to rell ind quickl v on its olvn as it may be damaged 2 Guide mosquito blind handle back by hand L r r r r t r r t r r r r r r r r r f I J L 7 6 rJ 005 GB t0 001 St s TntreLLrn TI t ttuHl w w w k n a u s ...

Page 44: ...sion consoie to the stop Lnruvc Sncrrux 7 Flat Screen Television Folding Down and Adjusting the Television CAUTION The television is onll allowed to be operated in a temPerature range betlveen 0 C 50 C r Outside this temPerature range the television must be removed I I I l Si i 1 n ltrarR t I tJ 0ai GB I 0 t t l w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 45: ... must first be folded up onto the console and the an n placed r erticalh CAUTION Before folding up the flat screen television first rotate it to its initial position F a lri i g E L B I L F L r L li t I r t F t t F t F L r I L r xii I t 4 To fold up the televisior r first console t ist the console to tite Enqase catch fold the television onto the initial position and fold Lrp E 7 8 tJ 00i GB I0 00...

Page 46: ...AUS 7 g Removing the Flat Screen Television To retttot e tlte televisiort proceecl ct s fbllov s 1 Remove television cousole trim plastic clips 2 Pull dorvn locking lever 3 Carefuily fbld televisiou console dou u to the stop Lnrxc Sncruor t 7 I I lr r Iarrarsn I i t I r l 005 GB I0 001 7 9 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 47: ...e irold of the handle near the botton r of the euide and carefull v close folding blind To opett the glass trinclott blit rci proceeci as follotts 1 iitir both hancls take hold of the hanclle near tire bottom of t1r guid and careftrill open folding blind E L t t r t r r t r r r F l t i 7 1 0 t J 005 GB 1 04 t St r 7 Lte n TI w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 48: ...required using one hand and also enables the television aerial to be adjusted l To lower the aerial mast press up the automatic clampir rg plate I 2 Tighten the knob 2 during the journey to prer ent the teler ision aerirl rotatinu You u ill find further information in the separate rnanuai supplied by the manufacturer i r i il 1r Secrrox 7 i s trffi t Lrwxc St t Txtr tLttn TI 7 l I tJ 005 GB t0 001...

Page 49: ... ptoceed as follotrs Extend ladder by pulling doun r r ith both hands When the ladder is no Ionger required using both hands push up the ladder as far as possible and engage 1 2 b KNAUS CAUTION Prior to using the ladder it is to be ensured that the ladder has been extended as far as possible t t t 05 GB I0 0 1 Sr r In r nrirn 11 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 50: ...E l E t D fiI II I l I at I I b Sncrtov 8 Stnnptxc l d w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 51: ...calll engaqe in its initial position Sleeping Preparing for Sleeping Converting the Seating Nlodule with Hook ln Table to a Bed I 1 J I t7 l I I Srcspwc Srcruox I KNAUS 8 8 1 8 1 1 To move the hook itt rable pt oceccl us bllots l Pull both table unlocking levers underneath the table at the guide rail and remove hook in table from the top guide rail 2 Lift the table slighth push tl re table leg saf...

Page 52: ...ration of the l obile Home Floor Plan for Use During the Da1 ar6 at Night u L 1_ r l L r L t r L t lP t r r I L r r i i t 8 2 ffi H JI t f i r f H 8 2 il 0 5 GB 10 001 Sct Tnuztz n Tl Sun Traveller Tl 600 DF w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 53: ...Srcapwc b KNAUS Srcrror B 8 J tJ 005 GB 10 t l Stt Tat rurn TI i Sun Traveller Tl 650 ME w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 54: ...Sncrrox 9 Gts Supprv I J I i I t J I a ll ll rl ll li rlJ I l I rl l I t J Il ls T F I tt w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 55: ...ed and certified by atr er rgineer All fitted gas fired appliances are ignition protectecl so if the flame goes out then the ignition safet v system isolates t1 re gas suppiy auton raticaliy Despite tl ris safety device 1 ou should alu ays turn off t1 re appropriate gas tap u hen any of the appliances are not in use Shoutd a fault e er occur e q gas corsurrrptio is excessi e o you surell gas folio...

Page 56: ...ned and shut b v pressing lightll place the gas bottles upright in the gas locker and secnre them lirrdy u itir the stlaps provided Fit the pressure regulator to the gas bottle b1 hand never use spallners pliers etc 9 4 General Information on the Gas Consumption The amount of gas 1 ou use u ili depend on hou much vou use the gas appliances 3 The Trumatic heater and hot rvater boiler coltsumes betw...

Page 57: ...s Taps for Cooker and Refrigerator 9 5 2 bur mobile and integral the bed Gas Tap for Hot Water Boiler home may be fitted u ith an hot water sysrent Tnrnratict The gas tap for this appliance is uear the Tnrmatic under the bed Hot rvater boiler G n The iilustratior r opposite shou s this gas tap in tl re open positiou If the s vster n is not in use it should be isolated frorn the gas supply u ith th...

Page 58: ...ected otherwise the tap handle ma v be damaged To connect up ar r appliance fit the connectiug piece fol the appliance into the outside gas connector the release ring l clicks home to ellgage arrd then open the gas tap 2 To decouple tire appiiance close the gas tap pusir the release ring in the opposite direction to that for the removal ofthe appliance and pull out tlre corrnectirtg piecc r KNAUS ...

Page 59: ... Do not use an v tools for this purpose tr hen changing the gas bottle it is to be ensured that the gas hose is in good condition and is laid without anv kinks To change an enlpht gos bottle proceecl as follotrs l Close gas bottle stop valve l 2 Unscrew gas regulator 2 from the gas bottle b1 hand caution left hand tirread 3 Undo fastenrng strap 3 and remove empty gas bottle fror r r the gas iocker...

Page 60: ... on the other hand the rotary krob is in the green gas is predominantly drau n from the bonle u ith the changeover regulator B and the gas bottle u ith the central regulator A is used as the resen e bot tle I 2 Clrangeover reguiator rotarv knob Pressure gauge Gas bottle stop valve B 1 A B Gas bottle stop valve A Central regulator Changeover regulator t F I L v I I Ii 1 L_ TI I Ir i t_ t r r r r r ...

Page 61: ...he system to change the gas pressure regulator at the latest 10 years from the date ofmanufacture 9 8 3 Changing the Gas Bottle on the Duomatic WARNING wheE chan l g fhc aso1 bctfie jir o i ust uu wffi itua lthorG i 5till ges iiniia l t pt i si h o ttle Eor thisrreasofij f iu nUi ugftr of naked flame aie forbidden r l The gas pressure regnlator enables an empty gas bonle to be changed without inte...

Page 62: ...sure a good supply of gas in u inter If the gas bottles are read1 the tu o light emitting diodes indicate uhich of the tu o bottles is currer rtll deliverir rg gas 5 lndicator A 9as bottle A 6 lndicator B gas bottle B 2 To su itci r offplace the rockel su itcl r in the r niddle 9 position the pou er indicator l goes or rt bu u ill find furlher information in tire separate manual supplied b1 tiie n...

Page 63: ...Sncruoy 70 WtrER Supptv w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 64: which the wastewater is collected The wasteu ater tank is nounted under the floot and encased in an insulatin e shell that is heated by a heating spur This keeps the wastewater tank frost proof even i loll temperatures The wastewater is sirnply drained off by opening the drain r alve on the wastewater tank On modern campsites the tank can therefore be connected to the sewage system The wasteu a...

Page 65: the iesh Y cttet tartk proceed as follov s 1 Remove the cleaning cover 2 Remove the plug from the base of the tank 3 Aliou the fresh u ater tank to drain fully 4 Push the plug back into the drain hole and replace the cleaning cover 5 Makesurethatrher r aterpur1 p item 1 page11 1 isturnedoff attheonboardcontrol allu atertapsmustbeopenl 10 5 Emptying the Wastewater Tank To ilrain the t qstcl cttc...

Page 66: ...Sacrrox 11 Pownn Supp w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 67: ... F 3G 2 5 mmr or equivalent fitted u ith connectors complying with IEC 309 The electric cable should not be more than l5 n r long in total W e recontmend the follovittg configtn cttion to enslo e that ttotr are eqtLipped fot all 4 pes of connectiort Q Adapter cable 2 5 mml D Connector u ith scrapin_g earth connection D Plug w ith scraping earth connection Cable drum with rubber insulated flexible ...

Page 68: ...e left seating module The fuse for 12 blt operation of the refrigerator is in the distribution box The circuit for the ater punp is protected u ith a 10 A fuse in the distribution box The su itch for the flicker free light su itches on and off the circuit for the flicker free light The appliance circr rits 1 and f are each protected r ith a 15 A fuse in the distribution bor Furthermore u hen tl re...

Page 69: ...ier battery is ilh rmir rated u hen the starter batterv is charged i e either when the engine is running or batteries I and 2 are connected in parallel The current level in both the fi esh water tank and the r vasteu ater tank can be cliecked using br rttot rs The leyel is i dicatecl on the display panel using a 10 element yellou LED array Display field 1 to 3 Ler el at tlzl of the tank capacirv D...

Page 70: ... state iudicator 2 Starter batterl voltage button batter v 1 Backup battery voltage button battery 2 Appliance circuit 2 rocher switch Appliance circuit I rocker su itch Flicker lree light rocliel srvitch Iater pump on offrocker srvitch Lori voltage illuminated pushbutton Water pump Circuit i cilcuit 2 and enrelgeucv on t 1 1 IJ 405 GB t0 001 St rTn t xtLu TI w sffi ffie m TTTTT TT TT I ffiffi r l...

Page 71: ...ttery fiir too long without a 230 Volt suppl v and with the vehicle s engine off will considerably affect the capacity of the backup battery The hot air blorver runs continuously wiren the heating is on This rvill considerably reduce the capacity olthe backup battery when the 230 blt supply is not switched on or not connemed 11 5 Protection of the Electrical Circuits in the Mobile Home When the mo...

Page 72: ...isonlyaIlolredtobereptaceowithanothergelbatter v On all models the backup batterv batter1 2 is accessible under the right service flap behind the passer rger s doot The related charger and main battery su itcl r is ur rderneath the left seating module This means that the r nobile home has its ou n 12 Volt pou er supply The charge state oftlie staller battery battery I and thc backLrlt battery batt...

Page 73: ...uses in the battery box behind the passenger s door If 1 ou are r rnable to find the cause contact an appointed dealer A totally discharged battery that cannot be re charged must be replaced because this damage is irreparable NOTE Even rvhen main appliances are s dtched ofl the backup battery to supply a current of 20 to 65 mA to electrical svstems such as charger the Onboard Control etc so the le...

Page 74: ...eis not Sport Traveller it is possible to charge the backup battery rvith the charger also outside the mobile home by usin q the KNALIS adapter cable available as an accessor For this purpose the baclc rp batterl is removed from the iroider via the rear left service flap the charger under the seatins module is disconnected and removed fi om the holder Tire backup batter y can be charged in a suita...

Page 75: ...atine module spot Kitcheu light Alcove light Water pump HerterAot water lioiler TV 20w 45W l6w 20w 10 V 1 W 10 1 7 A l 8 A 1 4 A 3 1A l 0A 3 1A 40w 45W 16w 20w l0w 96W 80w 3 4 Ah 3 8 Ah 1 1 Ah t th 1 7 Ah 8 0Ah 6 8 Ah 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 5 0 5 r6 0 4 0 80 90w 32W l0w 20w t92 W 160 w 6 8 Ah 7 6Ah 1 8 Ah l 5s Ah 1 7 Ah 16 0 Ah ll 6 Ah Po er consumption Total 317 W 26 8 Ah Total 604 y 51 05 Ah Approx 2 0 d...

Page 76: ...ttS r r_ i i i t t t at G 4 t I I t_ I I I I i lq ri ol t rt uryru rpr nl rl lrfJ ti i r i iL r rrnrt r 1n 11 1rr 1t t0 tJ 00 G B I 01 Sr r IRrtnrrR I I w frl z rA o t r I L D q 6 L F I a I U a L o rc w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 77: ...t cubicle 45 Su itch toilet cubicle 16 Corrnection toilet cubicle iight 47 Sri itch kitchen light 18 Connection spot raised kitchen clrpboald Electrical Circuit Diagram Key Sun Traveller Tl 650 ME l 49 Socket l2 raised kitchen cupboard 50 Wardrobe light 51 Roolconnection 12 V raised kitchen cupboard 52 Roof connection 1l V supply lead on left side 53 Roof connection 230 V left side 54 2 circuit su...

Page 78: ...l it uMsx I ititiurlnxr t rr i r r rq 1 1 g r rru ur ufl l l T I 12 l l 00 B 1t qt t St Tnt rtrca Tl W lq i n i r l urrrm al rq rt il f r1itl 1r tg E snt a _ i rl N fr z l o o Ir I L 0 o 6l L tr I a c q0 6l e o L U 6l I C o rd w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 79: ...45 Su itch toilet cubicle 46 Supply lead toilet cubicle li_eht 17 Sri itch extractor hood 18 Connection spot raised kitchen cupboard Electrical Circuit Diagram Ke v Sun Traveller Tl 650 I IF 49 Socket 1l V kitclien 50 ardrobe light 5l Roofconnection canopl rear storage locker 52 Roofconnection 12V supply lead right side 53 Roofconnection 230 V side to side 54 Connection canopy rear storage locker ...

Page 80: ...I J I I J 1 rJ I fl E IT Sncruox 72 arr L t q HntrnYG IforWnER w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 81: ...otary sw itch 2 to the operating position 6 Further information on the operation ofthe heater can be found in the separate manuai from the manufacturet CAUTION lbrk on the electronic control unit for the Trumatic ma1 onl1 be carried out by a qualified and trained service engineer 7 8 Roran kroL tirr roonr temperarure continuousll adjLrstable 1 9 riliuminated b cleen ope ating LEDt opelrring nlode ...

Page 82: ...eplace the fuse in the electror ric control unit or the fuse for the battery mo1itor The yellou indicator 8 iights up u hile the hot r r ater boiler is heating r rp r If the red indicator 9 is continuously iliuminated the cas bottle stop valve andior the gas tap may be closed or tirere rnay be an inadequate supply ofair The fault is reset by turning the appliance olfand then on asain If the red in...

Page 83: ...a hot rvater supply as staudard hot w ater boiler in the Tnmatic The 12 5 litre hot rvater boiler provides hot u ater u ithin a temperarure rrnge olzl0 to 70 C CAUTION The water pump must not be operated unless a supply of water is ensured The srvitch for the u ater pump item 1 1 page 11 1 is on the onboard Control The position of the water pun1p sg itch oN oFF is dependent on the su itching state...

Page 84: been fo d out of the hot r l ater boiler and the lvater pipes and Vu ater is flou ing 3 To operate the irot rvater boiler first srvitch on tire 12 VDC or 230 VAC Power suPPlY 4 Connect a gas bottle and opetl the gas bottle stop vah e on the gas bottle and gas tap O 5 Select t1 re required mode summer 4 or u inter 5 6 t u ith the rotary su itc r 1 on the Trumatic control pauel Once one of the tu...

Page 85: ...itch off rvater pump using the rocker su itcli item l l page 1 l 11 or nrain su itch item page l1 l Open all tire hot water taps in the kitchen and bathroom Push the burton I to the I DRAIN position This action drains the contents of the hot water boiler directlv to the exterior via the safetyidrain va1ve During draining check that the entire conterlts of the hot ater boiler approx 12 5 litres emp...

Page 86: obstructed b v dirt or ice the u ater must be drained after the boiler is turned offif there is a risk of fi ost You rl ill find furtlier inforrration on draining the hot u ater boiier in the separate manual sr rpplied bv tire mar ruf acturer t t t r t L t r l r t I f L i ll I L IT I L r I i f L r i l r L a t 2 6 St v Tn rrLLrn TI ru 1 t 0 G B I A 001 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 87: ...have to go u ithout the famiiiar pleasant indoor environment of your 1ir ing room rvhen r rsing the mobile home In addition the radiator fitted in tire rear of the mobile horle can be sr vitched on and off In this way you can set a difrerent tenrperetLrre in the sleepiug aree hen the heating is on the heater autouaticallv su itches on tire circulating pump as a functiorl of the tei nperature diffe...

Page 88: ...ut due to atlothet malfunctiorl H Circulating pump OFF Sr tnrmer mode Ti re heater is controlled b_v the thermostat br rilt into tl re device rvhen operated ri ith gas and or electricallr Mode only for hot rvater I Circulating pump ON riWinter opelation Tl re heater is controlled b v the thermostat built into the device u heu operated u ith gas andior electricalll Ntlode for heating and hot rvater...

Page 89: ...ff The thermostat detects that the liquid has reached the temperature set and the heater is su itcl red ofL As soon as the temperanrre of the liquid has dropped the heater is sri itched on asain In this rva v there is alu avs heated liquid in the l reating circuit u l ren the tirerr uostat ss itches on the ireater 12 2 2 Enjoying the Warmth To exploit the principle of water based heat to the maxin...

Page 90: ...t t I r t r r F I L IE I I L r Tb fill fith gl t col mitture pr oceed crs follows t Iff RN NGtiii ii iiiii Take care when handling glycot rnixtuie Thisfiqrlid is toxic 1 CAUTION The heater is aln a1 s to tre bled prior to use after filling 12 2 5 Bleeding the Heating System Depetiding on hou the pipework u as installed pockets of air can form rvheu the heating system is filled The presence of air ...

Page 91: ... sloping ground or tilt it rvith a suitable jack such that it is tipped tou ards the front Secure the mobile home against ro1lin_e away 2 Leave the r ehicle in this position for a feu minutes sr tch that the air in the heatiug s vstem cat i dse to the top 3 Open the bleed scre at the highest point cletermined previor rslvl and leal e open until liquid escapes 4 Park the mobile home on slopinu erou...

Page 92: ...p item 1 l page I1 1 ts on the Onboard Control An operating pressure oiaborrt 1 E bar builds up itl tire u ater pump 1ien ti re main su itch is turned pressllre is avaiiable u hen rvater is required Should the pressure fall belo a certain limit uhile ater is being drau n pressure drop the notninai automaticalll restored on This ensures that pressure of 1 8 bar is r t t t t_ r t t G I L r r r t r 1...

Page 93: ...or the electrical lieating J elemenr rernairrs iu the A 0 posirion J J J J if 3J 2 Hot Water Heating with 230 VAC I l Ensure that the 230 VAC power suppiy is connected I 2 Set sliding switch for electrical heating element J to the required lreating po r er I rl l posirion C 1 100 fi r f I l Posiriou D ri l 50 V t ltl J 3 The sliding switch for the hearer rernains in the E Q position I d D C B l l ...

Page 94: ...nation on hot ater heating in the separate manual supplied b1 the manufactttrer 12 3 2 Emptying Hot Water Boiler Alde Heater To drain the hot v ater boiler proceed as bllows l Ensure tl rat the u ater drain to the outside is r rot blocked u itl r dirt sh rsh etc Oper r drain cock I on the ater feed Tire contents of the hot u ater boiler are drained dilectl v to the outside 4 During dlaining cl rec...

Page 95: ... 5 I Ii J I J I itl I J Ij rl l ri I lI Sacruoy 13 Coorunrc Beruwc t w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 96: ...hel information in the separate manual supplied by the manufacturer l J J I J I d 1 J I l J l l I J t J l t l I t I J 1 I I J I l l rlt t t t tltlltr t i r ii tr a4 ffi ornetk 1 11 i tr ii l i t i ai r tr Br _ Ir tNEE4 itaE tlrl I 2 Porver source selector Gas electric thermostat J 4 Seal heater slvitch Diurmer for LED displav onl r accesible rvith door open S L t 1 r t t r tLe n TI tJ 005 GB t0 00...

Page 97: ... l j I I l l I rJ I l l l I l I t l l l Sncruox l5 Am Con otrtoxtxc w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 98: ...jects in the slots on the ventilaUon opening t Do spray water inside the air conditioning i i i l o nt ove all easily innammAUie materials iio tt uicinit v of the air conditio iogf Switch on Switch oiT Position r Air conditioning srvitched on Position l Air conditionins switched off Function srvitch Warm air Cooling Position l l Warm air roslilorl I t ooilng Air temperature approx 18 40 C The air ...

Page 99: ...lor l s in the desired direction bu u ill find further information in the separate manual supplied by the rnanufacturer i l KNAUS i F I t_ I L lt I L 5 L h 1 I t t s E t L I T l i I lj t I l III r I 5 2 IJ 005 GB 10 0 1 Sr r Ltrr rz r n 11 Adjustment of the Direction of the Air Flow w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 100: ...Sncruox 76 l J I i J I d 1 i J t rJ I g I nt I 1 l i l i I i t I j TottEr l w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 101: ...ush bufton clocku ise to close the valve again The toilet can also be used with the valve open CAUTION l If there is a risk of frost and the mobile home is not heated the Thetford unit should be drained to prevent it from freezing t In winter the toilet flush should not be used until the toilet cubicle has thoroughly warmed up otherwise the water pump in the Thetford flush mav be damaged An enviro...

Page 102: ...Sncrrox 17 l l J l d I I d t J l l t J I I J 1 I I a l t t l a l I a t a I i t l l Wtxrnn Ctrupnve I w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 103: ...m air can absorb much more moisture than cold air When there is moisture in the air the lou er the room temperarure the quicker that condensation rvi1l form if there is a slight difference betu een the temperamre of the room air and tire temperature on the inside tvall The vindows u indou frames and the corners olstorage lockers are parliculariy prone to condensation depending on use the number ol...

Page 104: ...tenl has been drained Ah l a1 s remember to open the mixer Iever in both the cold u ater blue and the hot u ater red positions and then to leave it in one of these opened positions 17 3 Recommended Accessories for Winter Camping To be prepared for onJ et entualiq when winter cilntpittg we recontntend tlte follotling uccessories ft Wirrt over for tire refrigerator accessor OK D E B r t t r r t r r ...

Page 105: ...Sncrrox 78 LtYIIYG Ip H w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 106: ...revent damaqe to the t res and bearings chock Re frrel nrobleho 1 1 a1 1ouc rnprer rrioffostor JLrrrlrclo l afi al ua lIvou plarl to corerthe rnobiLe hortte urth r tlrpltriur cti rlsrrre rrnt lil lln still rrcrrl rte orel rlre ruol on th9r99f1 nr9 ta a1 1 ol qlreet sjrould not be able ro stick ro the ourer skn olthe mobrle home Secure ntobile home usurg 0K tr 0K tr_ 0K fl on 0K 0K tr 0K tr 0K tr 0...

Page 107: ... not obstructed OK D OK U oi t 4 L z Please refer to the separate manual liom the relaled manufhcturer for infomation on temporadh la1iug up the applialces used To nrake the task easier the urdividual actions can be Iisted here 0K tr OK lJ 0i U OK tr oK 0K tr OK ff 0K tr OK E 0Ku 0r tr Copv ifnecessnn i_ i t_ r t r r r r r r r t r r r r li i r L r t rF I t r I r 8 2 St Trtr tLLrn TI Leave all cupb...

Page 108: ...ove all upholsten from the mobile home and store rn the house in a drl place l0K tr t 0K tl oK tr 0K tr OK E_ on 0K tr 0K tr o 0K tr 0K tr orn 0K E 0K tr a z Copr rt necessarr St t Txu tLLen T 1J 00_t GB t 001 I 8 3 iamr the mobile home once a month and titoroughll r entilate Clean and lubricate all door and sen ice flap hurges Reniol e starter baften and back up banerl charge ii rth a suitable ch...

Page 109: ...llatiort stitte I i t nnea t Clleck rtre presstlre ol sloe Nheel l if fi ned t OK D OK E OK tr o i a f l a u t Fh rsh tluough u ater pipes and fi esh u ater tanl liesll ater canlster tth liesh rvater Taps ntust be open dururg this process OK tr Close all dram r alves and tnps tl l o 1 l1t s 1na ratel tntns t l OK U OK Il OK D OK fl 2 l ah n Piace gas bottles rn the gas locker fhsten alld cotxrect ...

Page 110: ...Sncruorv 19 llllllllllilIf ry CmtNItYG Ctnn w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 111: ...Hard tools can ilama qe t1 re paintu ork The mobile home should be uaxed from tirae to time to protect and enhance its sheen Apply the coat of rvax as clirected by tite rnanufacturer KNAUS 19 19 1 The outer skin of the nobile home is made from aluminium sheet The surface of this aluminium sheet is stor e enar nelled rvith an acrylic paint This process knor n as polyester coil coatir rg is a modern...

Page 112: ... darnaged After driving on roads that have been spra ved u ith salt u ash the underbodl of the base vehicle r itir rvater 19 1 1 Cleaning Plastic Parts on the Exterior of the N obile Home Plastic products can be carefully cleaned using r l arm ater rvith the addition of a verl slightl v acidic neutral or ery slightll aikaline cleaner bucanuselou concentratiolts 2 ofmilcihouseholdcleanersdissolvedi...

Page 113: ...products that are available in the shops Dry clean upholstery covers cnrtains and the diolene blinds CAUTION The toilet cubicle is onll allow ed to tre cleaned with a little water with a mild cleaner and a damp cloth Clean toilet cubicle rvith a little rvater with a mild cleaner and a damp cloth CAI TION Never la v the carpet onto et PVC floor covering as the carpet can stick to the PVC and pull t...

Page 114: ...ftened to prevent scaiing Scale deposits can be removed u ith diluted acids such as acetic acid 19 3 Cleaning Acrylic Glass Windows CAUTTON r The acrylic glass windows must not be cleaned using chemical cleaners glass cleaners or products that contain alcohol spirit Cleaning products must not contain plasticizer as this would cause the acrl lic glass xindows to become brittle and crack Avoid twist...

Page 115: ...t is not pointed at the roof window There is an air gap around the glass dome and the frame forced ventilation through which the water could enter the mobile home 1 Ner er use a_egressive cleaners solventsiscouring agents I E Only cleatr acrylic giass elass dome and frame elements with a damp cloth and mild soap solution if ecessary use a 1 p i t cleaner at your own risk This special cleaner is av...

Page 116: ...anv pharmacist Allou the caustic soda solution to act then thoroughll rinse the fabric and dry Repeat this treatment at regular intervals 19 5 2 Treatment of Stiff Zip Fasteners The zip fasteners on tire au uing can sometinres be stiffs lien ne This can be cured b1 rubbin u candle u ax ittto the zips or spraying them u ith a silicope spra1 WARNING rs Wlen applying fungicides you must use pr otecti...

Page 117: ...Sncruorv 20 MerhrrEtyArycE ftvspncTrory I J l l j w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 118: ...and knowledge This is wht ou should have your mobile home serviced onlv lrv an authorised service centre r The service centre will stamp our Customer Service Record Book to conlirm that the leak tests on all tanks and pipes hoses etc have been carried out r If any parts need neplacing ensure that the manufachuer s original spare parts are used NOTE For mobile homes once a 1 ear and in that are not...

Page 119: ...erefore essential for tiiis r ork to be carried ont b trai ed specialists The follou ing table only lists the service and maintenance u ork that is carried out on the body of the mobile home Please lefer to the separate RENAULT manual for seri icing of tire RLNAULT base vehicle G 3 r Ti Iil _ t I I l ti I E rgl rGt FA a Handot er inspection see u arrantv l Check forleaks f Check for leaks 3 Check ...

Page 120: ...Sncruox 21 TnouB LE srto ornYc AIYD F q ILT I RncrIFIcATIotY w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 121: ...t by qualified service cenfre especially repairs and adjusfments to the iit s rl Gas smell excessive gas consumption No gas Decommission gas system immediatell close gas bottle stop valve and gas taps open doors and ivindows and vent the area Seeli specialist advice and have the gas systenr checked Do not operate electrical switches e g ignition naked flames and smoking are 1 lllt ol1tl l Open gas...

Page 122: ...orrectlv if necessarv Check whether power is present I I VDC Check 13A 230VAC and 3 A 1 2 VDC luse and replace if necessar If the thermal cut out has tripped the heutel can onh be placed in operation rvhen it has cooled down to 10 20 C Prior to switching on again check that the heater is rvell ventilated Su itch off heater rvait approx 30 seconds and then su itch ou heater agaiu If the troubleshoo...

Page 123: ...roduce the desiled result eeli sneclallst a O l Su itch on slider srvitch llR posirion Srvitch position I or J There is a malfunction in the circulating pump Yhen the temperature in the mobile home drops belorv the tempelature set on the tenlperature regulator the cilculating pump su itches on Check all electrical connections are tight on the circulating pump and couuect col recth il necessarl Che...

Page 124: ...Hot u ater boiler is dlaining ruater running out lrost protection valve has opened Frost protection valve does not close rvhen the s1 stem is su itched on S itch device off and on again After trvo faiied attempts to ignite rvait l0 minutes belore su itchins otl Checlt that the gas bottle stop valve attd gas tap are opeu Connect lull sas bottle Cal1 qualifi ed engineer Charge backup batterv rvith s...

Page 125: ...Iaiu batterl su itch is off Battely monilor in distribution bor lault v Checli backup batterv and charge up Iit neu backup batterf il lequired Turn on main battery sri itch Replace distr ibLrtion bor seek 1 ll 1 ld l 2 1 5 St s TxtrztLrn TI Fault Cause Action t 1 005 iB 1 001 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 126: ... than 3 mni au ay 1l onr the burner ling Il necessarv seel specialist advice t I i I I i_ I I L E I r r r r i I i r it r L rr lt I I I I il I 2t 6 Sr x Tn ti tt Lm Tl GAS COOKER Fault Cause Action Ignitiou detectors fail to respond Flanre goes out on releasins the re eulator Faultr ignition derector Flame qoes out on Lou flame settin u I snition detector seusor n0t corlectlv adjusted t I l O B 1 0...

Page 127: ...charger taultl Flultr piuu conrflcts lnd connectious iVlain batrerv suitch is o1l 40A iuse lbr startel battelv laultv 50A lirse bacliup batterv or I A measurine cable on bacl up batterv or behind driver seat llult Faultv relav in charger I I ol t rockel su irch ort reliiseruror is er ro C l OtI Faultv evaporator reiiigerator Electricli connections on and to the reli i ger tto r llul t1 Reset autom...

Page 128: ...cliup batterlt Roclier su itch on Onboald Contlol is su itched ofl itenr 10 page 11 111 Uuif l utiel uilch is oli Fuse lbr l ater PurttP irl the distribution bori blori n E I L 3 l br KNA US T Fit neu firse Wait for charge to build uP iait for chat ge to build uP Chalge baclup batterf imnediatei v for at Charge the backuP battelv After several complete discharges the backup battery ma v be irrepar...

Page 129: ...and I A luses behind the backup battery laultr Complete discharge pr0tection activated 10 8 VDC red indicator illuminated Faultl relay or laultl transistor in chalger FaLrlty plug c0ntacls and counections betrveen Onboald Contlol and charger Main batterr sri itch is otl Replace blolvn luse Charge backup batterlt Replace charger Identily lault and correct Turn on main batterl srvitch Lel el gauge l...

Page 130: ...ched u ater hose Faulti distribution bor or Onboard Control Leak in water s1 stem Fill fi esh rvater tanli Fit neu iuse Have u ater punrp replaced b1 l our local iAlLSService Centre Renrove kink ft om rvater hose aud or replace Call qualifi ed engineer Locate the leak re clanrp supply hoses I I t n I L I t 2t 10 Sts Trur etttr Tl WATER ST PPLY tJ 005 GB I0 001 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 131: ...ox 21 130 AC autoruatic circLrit breaker in u ardrobe has tripped I I Vblt rockel su itch ou refriserator is set to rt O rr 011 Reli igerator does not operate in gas mode Gas bottle stop valve 0r gas tap closed Sr x Tn t tLtrn Tl ltJ 005 GB 10 004 2I u REFRIGERATOR Fault Cause Action Reset autontatic circuit breal ers Nlove 1l blt rocker srvitch to r I On Open the appropriate tap w w w k n a u s o...

Page 132: ...Sncrrotv 22 SpacrFrcATrotys Ii t w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 133: ... over steep and sharp edged kerbs Hrdden tyre damage can be caused if vor r drive over kerbs or sharp objects such as stones violently or at too narrow an angle This damage u ill have a delaved action l n accident ma1 be caused tr1 a t1 re bursting at high speed Reuularly check your t1 res fbr dan rage e g sharp objects sticking in the tyre holes cuts cracks and blisters in the tyre u a11 An objec...

Page 134: ...F i i_ NOTE The minimum statutorr depth of tread in the related countrl must be complied lr th 195i65 R t6 2i i 6 5 R l6 1f5 65 R 16 05 65 R t6 6 r t6 6 t l6 6J 16 5 r 16 3 9 tl 8 3 8 1 i l t 75 i It is not allorved to fit sno chains to these t res contact a RENAULT dealer I OTE rhen t res are hot the tvre pressure should be 0 3 bar higher than specified CAUTION The correct tvre is horvever to be ...

Page 135: ... 6 9 Carpetinginlivingarea 8 3 Coii springs 6 12 5 kg t E 16 0 kg E Srttr Tl Plus package Totalrveight 6 5 kg r E i 10 litre compressor refrigerator instead of standard equipment 25 0 kg rt E Air conditioning for driving cab 30 0 kg r E Air Lift extl a lear axle springing 1 9 k s E Airlift extraspringPneumalift lset 1 g kg r E Alcoveheater 1 0 kg r E AL KO HYF5SA trailer iritch 31 1 kg r E AL KOmo...

Page 136: ...g Electrolux BLIZZARD 1900 air conditioning Engine heat exchanger for hot u ater heater Feather core ntattress for fixed beds _ expanded foant mattress 9 5 1 0 kg kg kg u f tr tr Fo u lamp base vehicle Folding blind instead ofcurtain Front r nud flaps 3 0 1 0 Gas cooker Gas or en model dependent l 7 kg f 16 5 kg ttt E K AL S Su ift surfboard and boat carrier 1 9 kg r E Laserline alarm Lashing rail...

Page 137: ... r E Quickclampin ssupportlegs front Linnepe right 4 0 kg f Quick clamping support legs rear 2 r 1 kg1 8 0 kg r E Quick clamping folding sLrpport le_ss front incl stifrener plate 20 0 kg rr E Quick ciamping folding support legs rear incl stitlener plate 20 0 kg r r E Radio CD tr rner 1 0 ks f Racliocassettetuner 1 0 f r E Radiopreparation 2 0 kg rt E Rearwall cyclecarrierfor4bicycles 8 5 kg r E Re...

Page 138: capacity 25 x _s 1 x 36 cn r Top Box S Class Tour 370 litre capacitl 11 12 r 90 x 36 cm Top Box 142 x 92 x 36 cm TOUR or ll5 x 5 l x 36 cm SKI Trackrvidener l set Travel Pilot uar igation svsrem Blaupunktl Trior uatic u ith remote displal Trion ratic T preparation T support extension 4deo reversing s1 stem Total weight of tlie fi ZtS accessories carried 20 0 kg 9 0 ks 35 0 33 0 77 0 15 0 8 rl 3...

Page 139: ...e cover will be void The pavload is the difference betu een the marimum technicallv permissible laden mass and the mass is running ortler EEC Directive 92121ITEC so rerns the payioad of mobile homes at European ler el The regulations in the Directive broadly correspond u ith DIN EN 16 16 2 and DIN EN 16 5 1 22 2 2 1Mass in Running Order The mass of the vehicle ir r running order is the mass of the...

Page 140: ...Weights of the personal Equipment Personal equipnlent comprises the weights ofall irrticles carried on the Yehicie over and above the optional extras such as D Persons carried ercept driver D Pets D Clothing and shoes Dr Sanitary articles toilet articles D Kitchen articles etc Dr Food D Sports and leisure articles D T i radio VCR etc Dt Toys The individual r r eights for the personal equipment car...

Page 141: ...ries personal equipment must not exceed a weight of 567 00 kg in this example NOTE The particulars given in the vehicle document are binding for the specifications i You will find further information on the base vehicle in the separate user manual supplied b1 the manufacturer r Other specifications are not part of this manual These figures are enclosed lvith the mobile home as a separate manual I ...

Page 142: r ehicle rvhile travellins Btls ntn Fixedbed 1 000r 1 310 Conrertiblebed 1 950r1 000 None of the firules are bindingl Turuing circle ntm l3 l s0 30 Renault N laster 1 5 dci Chassis Engine tr lax technicalll permhsible laden mass tg 3 500 Nlass in rururing order ig I 1 9 13 Pa1 load rg i67 Total lengtli frnnll Total t idth nrnt Total height mm Liternal heieht mur trIar front axJe load ig 1 850 N...

Page 143: ...d kg I ax rear axle load ig Mar towing load g Turning circle mm u t 1 100 1 6 i0 r 950 8 50 060 600 li r50 Tyre size Wheel size Gas pressule nbar 6 Rl6 C 6J 16 l0 hter presure bar Crryucir r lliitrsl Frcsh ater taril hste ater tanii Hot water boiler Thetford Ioilet 1 8 110 r00 ll s t7 Brlttu t cuptk in bcrchryt butta r l llt l Living area batterr 95 Number ol gas bottles ig l Seats u ith seat belt...

Page 144: ...icle thile trarelling Bds Inmr Fixedbed 1 000x 1 310 Convertiblebed 1 950x1 000 None of the figures are bindingl 6 i30 1 300 t 650 1 950 l 850 060 1 600 ll5 6sR16C 6l i6 30 It ax technicalll lrernrissible laden mass prgl N ass in running order rg Parload ig Total lergth nrnr Total u idth mm Total height mrul Internal height mm N ax front axle load rg Max rear axle load ig Max toling load ig iater ...

Page 145: ...0 ll i ti Total length mni 6 330 Total uidth rnm 1 300 Total height lrnnl appror 2 650 lnternal height nrm 1 950 Butt r ruyk in backup btnt ff r t h Living area batter 95 Number of gas bottles rg I x 5 IUar lront axle load cg Ir ax rear a rle load kg Iv ar tou iug load ig Turning circle nrm r 850 2 060 1 600 Seats rvith seat belts Admissible no ol persons in vehicle while travelling IJ 7 i0 Bt ds ...

Page 146: ...Priload kg Total length mm Total rvidth fnrm Total height mnt lnternal ireight ntn Vtar front axle load kg Max rear arle load kg i lar torving load kg Tu e size iheel size Gas pressure mbar 225 65 Rt6 C 6J l6 Chassis Engine Renault l aster 5 dci ater presure bar Cttpucitr fiiwsl Fresh u ater tanlr sterlatel tanli Hot u ater boiler Thetlord toilet Bcds lmnl Fixed bed t 8 il0 100 11 5 t7 1 000x 1 31...

Page 147: ... 519 il0 100 11 5 ii Total length mmj Total rvidth nm Total height mm Internal height mnr N ax front aile Ioad ig NIax rear axle load kg Mar torving load ig 6 130 1 300 r 650 1 950 1 850 1 060 r 600 Btn t ar t cuptt cin ht ckup h Lt t cr r 4 It Living area batterl 95 Nurnber ol gas bottles ig I x 5 Seats ith seat belts Adruissible no of persons in vehicle utile trarelling 2 Turning circle mm 13 7 ...

Page 148: ...500 l lass in running order kg j 3 081 Palload ig 119 Total length mnr Total riidth fmml Total height hxml Internal height mnr Max front axle load ig N1ax rear axle load rg Itlax torving load fiigl Turning circle mnr T1 re size Wheel size Gls pressure mbar lts 6 iRt6C iater pressure fbar l Cqutitr fiin asl Fresh u ater tanli tstewaler tanii Hot rvater boiler Thetlbrd roilet Bo t t er r uryaci t t ...

Page 149: ...l l l l l l l l L o I 6 a A r l Ar A A n AA A Z qaJkr r rt o a bjl i E aL j o a a 1 u i n iu A AAA AAI A A A l 1 e iAA _ c 8 9 o r u _ Z F a a o a a a F trl St t Ttu ttttn Tl fr Z ra o Fr i c rI ct Fr I a F tJ 005 cB I 001 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 150: ...e while travelling Bels nrn Fixed bed right Fixed bed leit 2 000 x 860 l 9l0x 860 None ol the hgures are bindingl Renault Nlaster 1 0 dcr 1 lal technicalh permissible laden It ass in mnning order tg I 3 081 Pavload rg 419 Totrl length mnr 6 860 Total l idth mm 1 100 Total heigirt mm approx 1 650 Internal heieht mm 1 9 50 lar lront arle load ligl 1 870 l lar rear axle load ig 1 060 irlar tot ing lo...

Page 151: ...J J J J J J l l l l l l l l l i o o c I A H E O 5J r3a O l L i 4t 2 t a t O i u sv A A AA AA 1 A A F j la 2 a A i L a l F a h a f l 3 5 1 J rl ii ri 9 i F 1 r1 St t Tat eLttx TI A rrA A r r i t 0j GB l0 001 w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 152: ...Sncruorv 23 o I ItvpoRMArron Ttps w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 153: ...ilei ho me iiiir ir l i tlt rlli luStl1 ri8 fi tor Re r lr TIJY DEK4A 2 years 2 years 1 year EXUAUST GASTEST fig 2 years 2 years 1 year INSPECTION OF THE LPG SYSTEM BY GAS ENGINEER 2 years 2 years 2 years i ii ii i i riii i l i r r l l 1 i i illi i r l i ri i ir tl IYOU MUST CAfrRY IN YOUB MOBILE HOME FOR EMEBGENCIES First aid kit Hazard warning triangle First aid kit dazard warning triangle First...

Page 154: ...5 94 92 ADAC Zagreb 01 3 44 06 66 9 87 Mobile 0 19 87 0 5 o Tolls on motomays Luxernburg affi52 4s34451 00352 112 t tJ ACL Luxemburg 0 03 52 450 04 51 4500451 0 8 oAo none Macedonia 01 61581 05 00389 94 92 ADAC Belgrade 0 03 B1 11 3 4227 07 02 I 87 Netherlandes 0 70 s 42 06 00 00 31 I tL Al lWB The Hague 05 92i 39 05 60 0B 00 0B BB Mobite 105 92 39 05 06 0 5 6 6 n0ne Norway 23 27 54 00 00 47 113 1...

Page 155: ...7 9 87 Mobile 01 19 87 Slovak Hepublic 02 59 20 44 0A 004 21 158 ADAC Prague 00 42 02 61 10 43 511 18124 0 0 Yoo Motonray Vignette from K 100 Slovenia 23 27 54 00 00386 112 113 ADAC Zagreb 0 03 85 0 3 44 06 50 1q R7 0 5 o Tolls on motonvays Spain 01 7 11 54 00345 061 112 ADAC Barcelona I 35 AB 28 28 0 5 s Tolls on motoruiays Czech Republic 257113111 00420 I E 158 ADAC Prague 2 61 1 0 43 5l t02 1 2...

Page 156: ...Sacruow 24 CruNCKLIST I w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 157: ... home been conectir loaded t see sectron 1 1 OK D l l l l l l l I il l l l l lI I c l i 3 I I l I I 1 I i D i i 8 Arealldoors flaps gasiocker nhdous rooflighrsaniJllEKJ excepttbrcedr entiiation conectlyclosed 9 Have the suspended lightts t been taken rlorirt attd sai ei stou edl Hare all tables been piaced ir the sleepurg positron see sectloll Sleeplrgt fue vou sure dut all conrainers ivitli liqui...

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Page 159: ... D I l J J J J l l J l I I I l l I I Spcrrox 25 A Z fwonx w w w k n a u s o w n e r s c o m ...

Page 160: ... 4 1 4 1 t I 4 1 t 6 l 1_s l 6 2 l9 3 I 9 3 r 9 5 t9 1 19 1 19 1 5 j 9 i rl l lr l 24 1 l9 I l9 4 l9 l I 9 l 7 t0 t4 1 13 r l l 5 l 9 6 9 6 9 6 Srcruox 25 fnnnx tr Chaugin u the Gas Bottle on the Duomatic 9 1 Duomatic Reniote Display 9 8 Using the Duomatic in Summer 9 8 llsing the Duouratic in Winter 9 8 DuringlheJourne 5 l E Electrical iircuit Dia uram key Sun Traveller Tl 650 NIE I l I I Electri...

Page 161: ... ri 1 9 4 9 4 6 1 4 4 ll 1 __ l rl o lr 9 BasicEquiprnent NlaxinrumTechnicalll Penuissible Laden lvlass eights of the PaYload eights of the Accessories ii O ll i0 12 10 ll 10 I 1I Veights of the PersonaiEquipment Formula for the Pa vload Calculation Placing Gas Bottles in the Gas Locker Pou eL Suppl1 130VAC Mains Pou er SupPil Reirigerrtor RNI 7h0i L Reluelling the Mobile Home 9 1l l 11 i 8 l 8 l ...

Page 162: ...d Charger Baclop Battery Charger Example Horv to Calculate the Electricitv Consumption tusinu a5 lr blttetr Jvle Plessure lyres Generrl Notes on theTvres TvrePressureTable U Using the Gas Cooker Using the l lobile Flome eainAtier Laling UpTempolalilv or Over the inter V ehicle Lights 4 8 VentilatingthelvlobileHome 1 l w Wastervater Disposal tl1 rl t1l I l I t l I Ir I I A rf i t J I l 5 I t 6 i l ...
