KMS CAN display
Part nr: 01-01-01-0009
4. Wiring of the CAN bus
The KMS CAN display can communicate via CAN communication through the CAN bus
(grey wire) which consists of two pair of twisted wires (green and white, red and
black). Up to 10 CAN devices may be connected to the CAN bus. These devices must
be placed within 0,5m of the CAN bus.
If the CAN Bus is connected to the KMS MP25, IA23 or FA23 ECU (using the RS232 to
CAN converter) or the KMS MD35 ECU, it is not necessary to use a CAN terminating
resistor plug. The KMS MD35 ECU and serial to CAN converter already have a termi-
nating resistor. When using the CAN display separately on a standalone CAN bus (for
example in combination with a KMS UEGO CAN controller), it is necessary to use a
CAN terminating resistor plug on one end of the CAN bus. The drawings below show
the correct wiring of the CAN bus.