These compact but powerful direct-coupled ControlSet
actuators provide
90° rotation within three seconds
. A
minimum torque of 54 in-lb. is available over the 95° angular
rotation. These actuators are designed for dampers or
valves in critical HVAC, laboratory fume hood, and life-safety
Efficient, durable,
capacitor-driven fail-safe
operation (in
MEP-4652Q/4672Q) with
switch-selectable direction
consistent torque in both powered and fail-safe modes.
The actuators offer proportional or two-position control.
control mode is designed for use with on/off
switches, thermostats, or controller outputs.
control mode accepts either a 0–10 or 2–10 VDC
control signal input from a thermostat or controller. With an
external 500 ohm resistor, a 0–20 or 4–20 mA control signal
is also accepted. A switch-selectable, 0–5 or 0–10 (or 1–5
or 2–10) VDC voltage
output is proportional to the
actuator position and is standard on all models.
circuitry significantly reduces hunting and needless wear
(from unnecessary miniscule position changes caused by
undamped analog input signals) on the actuator, valve, or
damper components. A user-initiated,
provides more precise equipment control by reassigning the
input signal range over a reduced rotation range. The feature
also provides “soft stall” protection (from stalling hard against
a physical stop) that extends actuator life.
MEP-4622Q and MEP-4672Q models also have two built-in
auxiliary switches
for remote position indication or an
auxiliary equipment interface. One switch is fully adjustable (0
to 90°) and the other is fixed at 10° from full CW direction. A
three-foot cable is included with the switches.
All actuators mount directly to 1/4- to 5/8-inch (6 to 16
mm) round shafts or 1/4- to 7/16-inch (6 to 11 mm) square
shafts, eliminating the need for expensive and complicated
linkages. A non-rotation bracket, to prevent lateral movement,
is included with each actuator. A gear disengagement button
allows easy manual positioning of the actuator.
Specifications and design subject to change without notice
Brushless DC motor technology
Each model provides proportional or two-position control
90° rotation within three seconds (powered or optional
54 in-lb. is available over the 95° angular rotation
Optional fail-safe (in MEP-4652Q and MEP-4672Q models)
The fail-safe option has switch-selectable direction and
can be turned off temporarily for testing purposes or
permanently if desired
Proportional mode includes “anti-jitter” circuitry
Auto-mapping of the full input-signal range over a reduced
actuator stroke provides a “soft stall” protection feature
that extends actuator life
Switch-selectable 0/1–5 or 0/2–10 VDC feedback is stan-
dard on all models
MEP-4622Q and MEP-4672Q models have one fully adjust-
able and one fixed built-in SPDT auxiliary switches
Direct mounting to standard shaft sizes, gear disengage-
ment button, and adjustable mechanical end stop
(Size Shown Relative
to a Quarter)
MEP-46xxQ Series
Quick-Running (3-Second) Actuators (54 in-lb.)