Figure 9: Download records window in program ENVIS.Daq
Device Information
section contains editable description and name under which the actual record is stored.
Time Frame for Other Archives
tab allows you to limit the date ranges of all archives by the time interval of
the main archive. In the
section the actual storage can be selected. In the actual version this can
be database or file (several formats). The
file data can be imported into the database and vice versa.
The check boxes in
Archives to Download
determines which specific archive(s) you want to download. The
actual download will start by the download button — after confirming the program starts transferring the data.
Progress of the data acquisition is displayed in a window as in figure 10. After complete transmission the window
will close automatically. Data can be than viewed in the ENVIS Program.
Figure 10: A window providing information about the download progress.