Cutting Board Installation
1. Attach shelf support brackets to support shelf using acorn nuts, washers, bolts and predrilled holes.
Note: acorn nuts must be at
the top
2. Install machine screws into threaded fasteners on hot food table. DO NOT tighten.
3. Align keyholes in mounting brackets with screws and mount support shelf/bracket assembly to table.
Tighten screws.
4. Align holes in cutting board with acorn nuts and place cutting board onto support shelf.
Tray Holder Installation
1. Attach shelf support brackets to support shelf using acorn nuts, washers, bolts and pre‐drilled holes.
2. Install machine screws into threaded fasteners on hot food table. DO NOT tighten.
3. Align keyholes in mounting brackets with screws and mount support shelf/bracket assembly to table.
Tighten screws.
4. Slide tray holder into brackets and into desired position.