Clean the brazier, which simply lifts out, and then vacuum underneath it.
Take out and empty the ashpan.
On a less regular basis you will need to:
Clean the flueways around the tubes running across the top of the combustion chamber using the
Clean the two flueways that are on either side of the combustion chamber by pushing the brush up
into them. Make sure it goes up as far as it can. Then use the vacuum cleaner to pull out any
residue that falls to the bottom of those slots.
Slide out the plate from below the ashpan and use a vacuum cleaner hose to clean any residue
from there. Be careful not to damage the fan blades.
Vacuum out any sawdust from the bottom of the pellet hopper.
Once a year the stove will need its
annual service
, which can be arranged with your supplier, and the
chimney swept
Alarm signals
Have a look at the 'What Happens If' section on page 20 of your manual to learn what to do in the event of
your stove detecting a malfunction.
If you find that your stove has stopped for some reason then the first thing to check is if the hopper has run
out of pellets. If it has then re-fill the hopper and follow the instructions below. If it hasn't run out of pellet
then always open the fire door and check the crucible before re-starting the stove.
If there is any pellet in
the crucible then empty it out (not into the hopper) before re-starting the stove.
If the Pellet boiler 35 detects some problem within the stove it will take the appropriate action (turning
itself off etc) and indicate what the fault was on the display. Look at pages 14 and 15 of the manual to see
what those signals mean and what, if anything, you need to do.
If you let the hopper run out of pellets then the display will flash between
AL 6
no pellet
The first things to do are fill up the hopper
and check that the crucible is clean.
If there are pellets in the
crucible then empty it (not into the hopper), check that the holes are clear and put a handful of pellets into
it. Now you need to re-start it.
Do not re-start it without checking the crucible.
If the display reads
cleaning final
when you press the Stop/Start button then leave it a bit longer to cool
the flue down. When that display reads
then press and hold the Stop/Start button again. It will then
and it will run through the ignition cycle.
If for any reason an ignition was to fail then the display will flash between
AL 5 no lightin
. If that were to happen then clean out the crucible and check that it is seated properly. Then you
need to re-start it by pressing the Stop/Start button. As above, if the display reads
cleaning final
then you'll
need to give it time to cool itself down before you press the Stop/Start button again.