Use a tape measure and the Dimension Sheet to check all elements for correct
length and placement. Use the Assembly Pictorial and other sketches to check for
correct assembly of dipoles, feed harness and other hardware. Check all nuts and
screws for tightness.
Circularity of the 14C can be reversed when +9 to +15 VDC is applied to the
relay through the phono jack mounted on the PC board. Prepare the DC supply lines
(22 AWG or larger) with a male phono plug, + lead to center pin - lead to shell.
Route the DC line through the horizontal dipole, from the rear, and plug into PC
board jack. Route the feedline the same way and connect to the SO-239 connector.
Use a harness tie to secure both cable to boom just forward of the dipole. Secure again
about 4" behind the dipole. This is the takeoff point -refer to the assembly pictorial.
From this point, tape or strap feedline and DC line together to aid in routing.
Attach the 4" x 6" boom-to-mast plate as close to the balance point as possible.
Keep plate at least 1/2" from elements. Secure with 1-1/2" U-bolts.
The 14C, like any antenna with vertical elements, MUST BE MOUNTED ON A
NON-CONDUCTIVE MAST. Thick wall fiberglass tubing is ideal (available from KLM)
although hardwood rod and PVC pipe of suitable strength have also been used. Use of
a metal mast will adversely affect VSWR, gain, pattern, etc., acting just like an untuned
element in the wrong place. Mount with rear element horizontal.
After the 14C is installed on the mast, route feedline/DC line off the boom in a
large loop and reattach to the mast at least 6" below the lowest element tip. If you have
another antenna mounted below the 14C, route the lines down to the boom of the lower
antenna and then back to the mast. This reduces the length of unsupported line and
improves the appearance of the installation. See the sketches below: