Possible problems could arise in the operation of your hydraulic pallet truck. Their probable cause(s) and
corrective action(s) follow:
Probable Causes
Corrective Action
Hydraulic unit does
not lift
Oil low in tank
Make sure there is no till leakage from valve and add oil.
Relief valve not seated properly or air in the
See “Cleaning Relief Valve" in this manual.
Defective pressure seal in main cylinder
Consult authorized service centre.
Relief valve not adjusted properly
Adjust valve by pressure adjustment screw
Once lifted truck
lowers by itself
Relief valve not seated properly
See “Cleaning Relief Valve" in this manual.
Defective pressure seal in main cylinder
Consult authorized service centre
Relief valve not adjusted properly
Adjust valve by pressure adjustment screw
Oil leakage
Consult authorized service centre
Fork does not lower
Cam chain broken
Replace cam chain.
UP-DOWN cam nut out of adjustment
Refer to “Adjusting UP-DOWN Cam" in this manual.
Broken fork rods and linkage
Consult authorized service centre
Cam chain lock-nut fallen off
Replace cam chain lock-nut
Lever does not set at
NEUTRAL position
Relief valve not adjusted properly
Adjust valve by pressure adjustment screw
Cleaning Relief Valve
Over time, relief valve may become clogged with debris and will not work properly.
To clean relief valve, flush the hydraulic system as follows:
Hold the UP/DOWN lever to the DOWN position and move the handles up and down several times.
Adjusting UP-DOWN Cam
adjust the up/down
lever control using the lock
nut at the end of the handle
chain. If nylon locking threads
are removed from the screw
threads, rolling vibration will
cause the nut to unscrew and
fall off, leaving the up/down
lever unusable.
Use proper set screw
and lock nut adjustment
located on the side of the
pump. This feature was
designed to ease the pallet
truck adjustment.
Tools required are:
flat screwdriver and a
14mm wrench.