• Chiller function (maximum Mode): The cooler‘s regulated chiller function lets you chill food and drink. For
the best results, use already refrigerated products.
These will hold their temperature. This function is ideal when switching on the appliance and when the
outside temperature is warm.
• Chiller function ( Eco mode): in Eco mode, the cooler will automatically regulate the temperature, so as to
consume as little electricity as possible.
This function is ideal for when the appliance is cold on the inside or the temperature outside is cool.
• Heater function (maximum Mode): The cooler‘s regulated heater function lets you heat food and drink.
This function is ideal when the outside temperature is cold.
• Heater function ( Eco mode): in Eco mode, the cooler will automatically regulate the temperature, so as
to consume as little electricity as possible.
This function is ideal for the temperature outside is not very hot.