Auto Pause:
Select Auto Pause to display the following:
Off: Turn Auto Pause off.
Stopped: Pause when speed is below 1.5 km/h.
Custom: Users can customize speed and related pause.
Select User Profile to display the following:
Birth Year
• Weight
Select Calibration (altimeter and compass) to display the following. Select Alti
meter and press and hold the right key to display the following:
Select „Auto by GPS“ (reset altimeter auto
matically by GPS) or select Manual (reset al
timeter manually).
Select Compass and press and hold the right
key to display the following: Rotate the Tra
cker as shown for 20 seconds.
Select GPS (set GPS status) to display the following. Press
and hold the left key for 2-3 seconds to go to the previous
Differential GPS:
Turn Differential GPS on or off.
Turn Self-AGPS on or off.
Power Saving:
Turn Power Saving on or off.