Your device will have an internal amplifier and if it is playing digital files like MP3s it will also have
an integrated DAC (Digital Audio Converter). If you turn up the volume to 100%, your device will
be sending distorted signals to the . To avoid this and to get the best sound quality
from the speaker, we recommend that you do not run your device any higher than 95% volume.
Call handling
Answer a call
When a call comes through, the will play your ringtone.
Press the MFB (1) to answer
End call
During a call, press the MFB (1) to end the call
If using an Android phone, you can disable the hands free function. To do this:
1. Go to the wireless menu and press the settings icon next to ‘’
2. Uncheck the ‘Call Audio’ box
Calls are now controlled and played through the phone as normal.