User Manual KiweeOne
5.2.c Safety line reel
Locking tab positions (servomotor)
100 m of coiled
safety line
Rewind : in this position a small stainless steel pin located inside the reel will come out and try to
hook the loop of the rope belt to allow the start of rewinding.
Production : in this mode, the rotation of the generator reel is free and allows unwinding, electricity
production and rewinding.
Lock : in this mode, the rotation of the reel and the generator is locked (storage).
The locking tab can be operated by hand when unwinding and rewinding manually. When these
operations are automatically controlled the tab will change its position automatically (servomotor).
This part is only used for
winding and storing the safety
line. It should not be used as a
hook or anchor for the safety
line when the rope belt is
deployed and tied to the kite.