s Manual
Appendix B
Limited Warranty
KIT Co.,ltd warrants that (a) the hardware components of the KIT
product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use for one (1) year from the date of purchase,
and (b) the software components will perform substantially in
accordance with KIT’s published specifications for ninety (90) days
from the date of purchase, but does not warrant that the software
will be error-free or free of all defects. If a defect or nonconformance
exists during the applicable warranty period, at its option KIT will
repair or replace the defective parts or nonconforming software using
new or refurbished replacement parts or media at no additional
charge to you. This warranty extends only to you, the original
purchaser and is not transferable to any subsequent purchasers.
Exclusions and Limitations
This Limited Warranty does not extend to any product not purchased
or licensed from KIT or its authorized resellers or retailers.
This Limited Warranty does not apply: (a) to damage caused by
accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication, unusual electrical
fluctuation, or improper transportation upon return to KIT; (b) if you
use parts not manufactured or sold by KIT; or (c) to damage caused
by modification of the product or as a result of service by anyone
other than KIT or an KIT-authorized service provider.