System/network administrator (recommended)
The system/network administrator has the training, IT skills and
experience required to set up the system requirements and
working environment, including all technical equipment, to enable
the software to be used.
The system/network administrator performs the following duties:
Integrating the unit in the network
The system/network administrator has been authorised by the
owner to manage the users of the software and to make settings to
the software.
Unit officer
The unit officer is the person who is nominated for this task by the
owner of the unit and has received instruction on their duties.
Enter the name of the unit officer and the date of instruction in the
medical product book and confirm with your signature.
The unit officer meets the following requirements:
The unit officer knows the intended purpose, the foreseeable
misuse and the residual risks of the unit.
The unit officer is familiar with the instruction manual and all
other safety-related documents.
The unit officer has been instructed in the technically correct
and safe handling of the unit.
The unit officer performs the following tasks:
The unit officer instructs users in how to handle the unit.
The user is the person who uses and operates the unit according
to its intended purpose. The unit may only be used and operated
by trained specialist staff.
The user has been instructed in the technically correct and safe
use of the unit in accordance with the relevant laws and ordi-
Staff members must be persons who can be expected to perform
their work reliably. Persons whose reactions are impaired, e.g. by
drugs, alcohol or medication, are not permitted.
When choosing employees, observe the age and vocation regula-
tions that apply at the deployment site.
3.9 Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment protects staff members from dan-
gers that could affect their safety or health at work.
Always wear the personal protective equipment specified in the
various chapters of this manual before starting the relevant task.
General staff qualification require-
Personal protective equipment
Refrigerator/freezer BL series