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Battery Charge Lamp
The charge lamp signals to the operator that alterna-
tor is not charging the battery. If the lamp goes on dur-
ing operation, immediately stop the engine and check:
1. Wiring failure.
2. Connection failure of alternator and regulator.
F u e l
1. Do not allow the fuel tank to empty completely.
2. Doing so will allow air to enter into the fuel system.
3. Should this happen, the fuel system must be held.
(See page 58).
Exhaust Fumes
1. Exhaust fumes are colorless at normal output drive.
2. If used at output over the rated output, exhaust gas
may become a little colored, but the output will not
drop. But if the tractor should be operated with con-
tinuous dark exhaust gas, it may become the cause
of troubles, so check the working condition and op-
erate the tractor so that it will not be overloaded.
Urgent Stop
Should the following abnormally take place, immedi-
ately stop the engine.
1. The engine suddenly slows down or speeds up.
2. Unusual noises are suddenly heard.
3. Exhaust fumes suddenly become very dark.
4. The engine oil pilot lamp goes on while operating.
5. The battery charge lamp goes on while operating.
For checks and remedies in the above situations, con-
sult your dealer for instruction.