Installation Requirements for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the installer or service agent shall be a plumber or gas fitter licensed by the
When installed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or where applicable codes; the unit shall be installed with a CO
detector per the requirements listed below.
For direct-vent appliances, mechanical-vent heating appliances or domestic hot water equipment, where the bottom of
the vent terminal and the air intake is installed below four feet above grade the following requirements must be
If there is not one already present, on each floor level where there are bedroom(s), a carbon monoxide
detector and alarm shall be placed in the living area outside the bedroom(s). The carbon monoxide detector
shall comply with NFPA 720.
A carbon monoxide detector shall be located in the room that houses the appliance or equipment and shall:
Be powered by the same electrical circuit as the appliance or equipment such that only one service switch
services both the appliance and the carbon monoxide detector;
Have battery back-up power;
Meet ANSI./UL 2034 Standards and comply with NFPA 720; and
Have been approved and listed by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory as recognized under 527
A Product-approved vent terminal must be used, and if applicable, a Product-approved air intake must be
used. Installation shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A copy of the installation
instructions shall remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion of the installation.
A metal or plastic identification plate shall be mounted at the exterior of the building, four feet directly above
the location of vent terminal. The plate shall be of sufficient size to be easily read from a distance of eight feet
away, and read “Gas Vent Directly Below”.
For direct-vent appliances, mechanical-vent heating appliances or domestic hot water equipment where the bottom of
the vent terminal and the air intake is installed above four feet above grade the following requirements must be
If there is not one already present, on each floor level where there are bedroom(s), a carbon monoxide
detector and alarm shall be placed in the living area outside the bedroom(s). The carbon monoxide detector
shall comply with NFPA 720.
A carbon monoxide detector shall:
Be located in the room that houses the appliance or equipment;
Be either hard-wired or battery powered or both; and
Shall comply with NFPA 720.
A Product-approved vent terminal must be used, and if applicable, a Product-approved air intake must be used.
Installation shall be in strict compliance with the manufacturer instructions. A copy of the installation instructions shall
remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion of the installation.
For the state of Massachusetts a
T-handle gas shut-off valve
must be used on a gas appliance. This T-handle gas shut-
off valve must be listed and approved by the state of Massachusetts. This is in reference to the state of Massachusetts
state code CMR238.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector
NOTE: It is recommended that a Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector be installed in or near bedrooms and on all levels of
your home. Place a detector about 15ft [4.5m] outside the room that houses your gas appliance.
Certified for installation in a bedroom or bed/sitting room. In Canada must be installed with listed millivolt thermostat.
In USA see local codes.