Your King electric furnace has been designed to distribute heated air to your living quarters when connected to appropriate ducting.
2. On models KF5 & larger, the furnace operates under command of a low voltage wall thermostat.
3. Models KFS5 through KFS18 employ one sequencer relay, thus the thermostat heat anticipator should be set at 0.4.
4. Models KFS20 through KFS35 employ two thermal relays, thus the thermostat heat anticipator should be set at 0.8.
5. With the thermostat set at 70°F and a temperature drop to about 69°F, the thermostat’s internal switch closes its contacts. About 30
seconds later the first heating element and the blower turn ”ON”. After another 30 seconds the second heating element is turned “ON”
continuing in 30 second intervals until all the heating elements in the furnace are “ON”.
6. When the thermostat is satisfied the “ON” process is reversed with the last element & blower turning “OFF” simultaneously.
Because of the many variables affecting heat loss (cold wall, sun rays, drafts, etc.) you may be more comfortable with the thermostat set
higher or lower than 70°F. It will take some experience to find a comfortable setting.
Your King electric furnace may be equipped with a cooling coil to accomplish summer cooling. It may also be equipped with an electronic air
cleaner to reduce dust, pollen and other household respiratory irritants.
If the furnace does not have an electronic air cleaner the filter will need to be replaced several times during the year or whenever it becomes
clogged. King recommends changing the filter at least twice yearly.
10. The furnace cannot deliver warm air when:
(a) all electric circuit breakers are turned “OFF”.
(b) the furnace filters are clogged with dirt and dust. Air is the vehicle for heat transfer. In order to deliver warm air an equal amount of
cold air must be drawn back to the furnace.
(c) the thermostat heat anticipator is set wrong -
see paragraph three and four above.
(d) the furnace cold air return registers are blocked with furniture, throw rugs, etc.
(e) the furnace warm air registers are blocked with furniture, throw rugs, etc.
11. If the furnace is equipped with a cooling coil the “Outdoor Condensing Unit” must be turned “ON” when summer cooling is required and the
thermostat must be switched to the “Cooling” position with the temperature set around 76°F. Adjust temperature as necessary to find your
individual comfort level.
(a) On furnaces with cooling provisions the heat-cool thermostat has a HEAT/OFF & COOL position. The fan section has an AUTOMATIC
and ON position.
(b) For heating the system switch must be moved to HEAT position and the fan section should be set to AUTOMATIC.
(c) For cooling set the system to COOL and the fan section to ON. The fan will run constantly with the outdoor condensing unit running only
when your thermostat calls for cooling.
(e) If the fan needs to run continuously in either HEAT or COOLING set fan system to ON.
(f) The OFF position shuts down both heat and cooling and also shuts off the fan.
(g) In winter do not leave home with the furnace turned OFF. Instead set the thermostat to about 40°F with the furnace system in the HEAT
position. Doing this reduces the possibility of the indoor plumbing freezing.
12. If the furnace is equipped with an electronic air cleaner it must be cleaned several times during the year. You will want to study the HOME
OWNER’S MANUAL supplied with the electronic air cleaner.
1. Select a suitable, centralized location of the furnace (a closet, alcove or utility room).
2. The site selection must have adequate return air capability and must be located directly above existing or the planned location of the charge
3. Cut a 15" x 15" opening in the floor exposing discharge plenum (or its intended location).
4. Place the base for combustible floor application into the floor opening. Secure it to the floor with screws (at least one on each side).
5. Put the duct connector into the base opening and mark plenum for cutting where the duct connector rests on it.
6. Remove the duct connector and cut to the outside of marking on plenum. Remove cut metal.
7. Replace duct connector back down through floor base. Bend alternate pre-cut tabs of duct connector 90° outward. Press duct connector into
plenum and bend remaining tabs into the plenum so it is firmly attached.
8. If necessary cut the top of duct connector so it is below the top of floor base, approximately 1".
9. Make the air duct tight by applying 2" duct tape to the tabbed-in portion of duct connector at the plenum opening and around the top of duct
connected inside the floor base.
10. Attach the duct connector to floor base using four (4) #8 hex head 1/2" self tapping screws.
11. Remove air filter from furnace. Set the furnace onto the combustible floor base with the filter end of the furnace facing upward. Replace filter in
12. Make sure power is off on electrical circuits.
13. Remove door of furnace and bring proper electrical wiring into an appropriate opening provided and connect wiring per instructions on wiring
If needed, make sure any
return air grille has a free air area
of not less than 196 square inches
King Electrical Mfg. Company • 9131 10th Avenue South Seattle WA 98108 • (206) 762-0400 fax (206) 763-7738
2007 KF-KFS.indd : 10/07