2.6 Main functions
Light sensor: Detecting light intensity, Lights on when it is dark, otherwise, it keeps off.
BT/ Speaker: Data BT makes users can access to riding information in app like mileage etc.; Audio BT is
activated automatically when power on, you can enjoy music during riding.
(Available only on certain models)
Integrated trolley bar: wheels can be pushed to move rather than lift up with this integrated trolley bar, make
the wheel easier to be carried on.
USB port : Portable electrics can be charged by this USB.
(Available only on certain models)
RGB light: Shinning during riding, indicates the battery level while it is on and stop.
(Available only on certain
Over side lean protection: When the lean angle of wheel exceeds 45, motor will stop running and will recovery
automatically when back it vertically.
Buzzer and voice prompt: To ensure safety, there will have voice prompt to alert rider: over-voltage, over-
power, low battery etc. Voice prompt can be shut off through app, but buzzer beeps can’t be.
Tilt-back protection: When over-speed, low-battery, high temperature, the pedal will tilt back to prevent further