2. Safety
There are risks to ride or drive every vehicle. King Song electric unicycle is no exception.
Please ensure this manual is read and understood beforehand, and do pay extra attention
when riding.
2.1 Important
1. Do not make rapid acceleration or deceleration or over incline forward or lean backwards.
2. Do not use King Song electric unicycle if there are any risks in accidental falls. Safety first.
3. When there is alarm of low power, LED indicator flickering with beeping, please decelerate
at once and get down the unicycle in time, to avoid the injury caused by outage.
Please keep in mind deeply:
Most of accidents are caused by rapid acceleration or
deceleration, so please avoid that.
2.2 Attention:
1. Please wear helmet, gloves, elbow/knee pads or other protection garments.
2. Please check the device before every ride, to make sure no parts are loose or damaged.
3. When there is crowded pedestrians, please lower your speed similar to their walking speed.
4. When carry the device, please make sure the power is off.
5. Do not put your fingers on the tire, to avoid injuries caused by fingers sucked between the
tire and the plastic shell.
6. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle on highways and busy pavements.
7. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle on busy roads or crowded streets.
8. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle on rough or bumpy surfaces, such as muddy or
pebbled roads.
9. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle on wet, slippery surfaces, especially snowy roads.
10. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle on slopes slanting more than 15° angle.
11. Do not allow children under 12 to use electric unicycle.
12. Do not ride King Song electric unicycle in bleak winter conditions.
13. Countermarch riding is dangerous. Try to avoid countermarch.
Other sudden unpredictable risks may occur during use, please ride with care. King Song
electric unicycle will not be responsible for any injuries caused by misuse of the product.