Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure?
Your heart is just like a pump which works all the time to make the blood flow through all blood vessels. Blood pressure measures
the force on the wall of the blood vessels caused by the pressure of the blood.
pressure is the pressure of the blood when your heart beats to pump blood out.
pressure is the pressure of the blood when your heart rests in between beats. This reflects how strongly your arteries are
resisting blood flow.
If you want to measure again, just press the START/STOP button twice. Leave at least three minutes between measurements to
allow blood circulation to the arm to return to normal. Do not measure your blood pressure too many times in one session as it may
cause discomfort in the arm.
Blood pressure fluctuates constantly during the day. Its value in the daytime is higher than in the evening with the lowest level
being at midnight. The pressure begins to rise again at 3:00am and reaches its highest level any time during the day – so it is
impossible to get a consistent reading. For this reason, please take your measurements at the same time of day
Relax for 10-20 minutes before taking a measurement and remain relaxed whilst measuring. Do not move or talk during
measurement, as this will affect the accuracy.
Measure one hour after eating and avoid measuring immediately after bathing. Measure one hour after smoking or drinking
What if I want to retest?
When is the best time to test my blood pressure?