CP Series Technical Manual
Page - 22
General Information
December 15, 2004
4. Run a soft water faucet wide open
Watch the meter disc.
Is it turning?
Watch the no back pawl.
As the meter disc turns clockwise, the no back pawl
should drop into the next tooth, preventing the
meter disc from turning backwards. Does it?
Measure the metering rate.
Wait for the no back pawl to drop into a tooth. Place
a bucket under the faucet to catch the water. Let
the meter disc turn for another tooth or two, then
measure the water captured in the bucket. The
approximate metering rate for all models is shown
CP Softeners
Model Number
CP 208s
CP 208s OD
CP 210s
CP 210s OD
CP 213s OD CP 216s OD
44 17.5 62
93 158
5. Place the unit in manual
regeneration in the brine position
Check if unit is drawing brine by disconnecting the
brine line from the elbow on the L-3.
Is the brine suction elbow screen clogged?
Is the suction sound smooth and continuous with
no water blow back?
Moisten a finger and place it on the open end of the
elbow. Can you feel a smooth continuous suction?
6. Remove the brine valve
Check the brine valve setting.
Is it set according to the brine valve installation