Customize Backlighting
The Advantage360 Pro features backlighting and shine-through
keycaps so you can work in low-light environments. There are 5
brightness levels to choose from and the backlighting can be
adjusted on-the-fly. Use the shortcuts below to adjust backlighting.
Note: Battery life will be extended significantly if the backlighting is
dimmed or disabled.
Adjust Brightness: Mod + Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Disable Backlighting: Mod + Enter
Custom Programming
The open-source ZMK Programming Engine is an incredibly
powerful platform designed by keyboard enthusiasts, for keyboard
enthusiasts. Power users can edit the online configuration files to
customize the base layout, create additional layers, assign special
key actions, and write basic text-string macros.
Note: The ZMK
Engine is hosted on the 3rd party GitHub platform. Kinesis does not
control this content and can only provide limited support.
Supported Key Actions:
If you are not familiar with ZMK it is essential that you read the User
Manual before attempting to customize your keyboard. Custom
programming exceeds the scope of this guide and what follows is a
brief summary intended for experienced users.
1) Create (or Log-in) a GitHub account
2) Fork the “Adv360 Pro ZMK” GitHub Repository:
3) Enable Workflows from the “Actions” tab
4) Edit adv360.keymap or macros.dtsi (”Code” tab, “config” folder)
5) Click “Commit Changes”to initiate a new firmware build
6) Download the firwmare from Actions once the “build” has run