Fire Prevention
Never smoke in bed or leave
cooking food unattended. Teach
children never to play with
matches or lighters! Train every-
one in the home to recognize
the smoke alarm pattern and to
leave the home using their es-
cape plan when it’s heard. Know
how to do “Stop, Drop and Roll”
if clothes catch on fire, and how
to crawl low under smoke. Install
and maintain fire extinguishers
on every level of the home and
in the kitchen, basement and
NFPa (National Fire Protec-
tion association)
Fire Safety in the Home:
NFPA 72 is intended to provide reasonable safety for persons in
family living units. Reasonable fire safety can be produced through the following three-
point program: (1) Minimizing fire hazards (2) Providing fire-warning equipment (3) Having
and practicing an escape plan.
For your information, the National Fire Protection
Association’s Standard 72 reads: Where required by
other governing laws, codes, or standards for a specif-
ic type of occupancy, approved single and multi-
ple-station smoke alarms shall be installed as follows:
In all sleeping rooms and guest rooms
Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping
area, within 21 ft (6.4 m) of any door to a sleeping
room, with the distance measured along a path
of travel
On every level of a dwelling unit, including
On every level of a residential board and care oc-
cupancy (small facility), including basements and
excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics
In the living area(s) of a guest suite
In the living area(s) of a residential board and care
occupancy (small facility)