Turn on the AC power. The green AC Power On Indicator should be lit
when the alarm is operating from AC power.
Attaching AC power first, without rotating the alarm onto
the mounting bracket, will result in a low battery trouble condition
chirp (see Troubleshooting Guide). You need to activate the battery
to eliminate the low battery trouble condition chirps. Attach unit to
mounting bracket very soon after applying AC power to avoid false
low battery notification.
The battery activation is a one-time feature. After activation,
the battery cannot be turned off, and can only be discharged at the
end of unit life. If the alarm is removed from the mounting plate, the
backup battery will remain active. See Permanently Disable Alarm / Discharge Battery section.
Ac wired Interconnect Model capability
This model has AC hardwire interconnect capability. When one hardwired interconnect unit sounds an alarm, all other
compatible hardwired interconnected units will also alarm.
The following models can be interconnected using the standard AC wiring interconnect: 1235, 1275, 1276, 1285,
i12020, i12020A, i12040, i12040A, i12060, i12060A, i12080, i12080A, i4618, i4618A, i4618AC, KN-SMFM-I,
RF-SM-ACDC, PE120, P12040, Pi2000, Pi2010, KN-COSM-I, KN-COSM-IB, KN-COSM-IBA, KN-COPE-I,
KN-COPE-IC, KN-COB-IC, KN-COP-IC, SL177i, SLED177i, HD135F, SM120X, CO120X, i12010S, i12010SCO,
P4010ACSCO, P4010ACSCO-W, P4010LACS-W, P4010ACS, P4010ACS-W,P4010ACLEDS-2, P4010ACLEDSCO-2.
The alarm is now activated! After installation / activation, test your alarm as described in Operation and Testing section.
wArnIng: fAIlUre tO prOperly InStAll And ActIVAte tHIS AlArM wIll preVent prOper
OperAtIOn Of tHIS AlArM And wIll preVent ItS reSpOnSe tO fIre HAzArdS.
Existing Kidde
AC Connector
(either connector
can be used for
this model)
AC connector
shipped with
AC connector
Figure 9-B