Because carbon monoxide is a cumulative poison, long-term expo-
sures to low levels may cause symptoms, as well as short-term
exposures to high levels. This Kidde unit has a time-weighted
alarm - the higher the level of carbon monoxide present, the sooner
the alarm will be triggered.
This CO alarm can only warn you of the presence of CO. It does
not prevent CO from occurring, nor can it solve an existing CO
problem. If your unit has alarmed and you’ve provided ventila-
tion by leaving your windows and doors open, the CO buildup
may have dissipated by the time help responds. Although your
problem may appear to be temporarily solved, it’s crucial that the
source of the CO is determined and that the appropriate repairs
are made.
What To Do If The Alarm Sounds
At 30 PPM, the unit cannot alarm in less than 120 minutes
At 50 PPM, the unit must alarm within 60-90 minutes
At 100 PPM, the unit must alarm within 10-40 minutes
At 300 PPM, the unit must alarm within 3 minutes
This product is intended for use in ordinary indoor locations of
family living units. It is not designed to measure compliance with
Occupational Safety and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).
This device is designed to protect individuals from acute effects
of carbon monoxide exposure. It may not fully safeguard individ-
uals with specific medical conditions. If in doubt, consult a med-
ical practitioner. Individuals with medical problems may consider
using warning devices, which provide audible and visual signals for
carbon monoxide concentrations under 30 ppm.