F e a t u re s
Test/Reset Button
This button has two functions:
1) Press this button to test the unit weekly.
2) Press this button if the unit alarms to silence the alarm.
This will reset the unit and it will then start monitoring
for CO. If the CO concentration is above 70 ppm the
alarm will again sound within 6 minutes.
The NightHawk sensor is a highly sensitive, electro c h e m i c a l
sensor that is CO-specific to help avoid false alarms.
Sounder Alarm
This is the loud 85 decibel pulsing alarm that will sound
to alert you to a potential problem.
9V Backup Battery
(Model KN-COB-LCB-A only)
This CO alarm is not battery operated; the 9V battery is to
supply a short-term backup during a power outage. In
the event of a power outage, the 9V battery will continue
operating the alarm for at least 20 hours.
Low Battery HUSH
(Model KN-COB-LCB-A only)
By pressing the button on the CO alarm while it is in low
battery mode you can stop the alarm from producing a
low battery warning for up to 12 hours in order to
maintain protection without having to replace the battery
at an inconvenient time.
Power-Disconnection Alert
(Model KN-COB-LCB-A only)
This is an alert to notify consumers the unit has been
unplugged or has come loose from the outlet. This feature
is not activated for two minutes after power is first supplied
to give you time to plug the unit in after activating the
battery. This feature is also disabled once the battery
voltage has reached a level to cause a low battery warn i n g
chirp. This can be defeated for two minutes by pre s s i n g
the Test button while the unit is removed from the plug to
allow the battery to be changed without the 85dB alarm
sounding. The feature can be disabled by pressing in the
Peg while sliding the Switch towards the “off” dire c t i o n .
Use the included screw to secure the battery cover and
i n c rease tamper- re s i s t a n c e .
F e a t u re s
Limitations of Carbon Monoxide Alarms
CO alarms are designed to sense unacceptable levels of CO
f rom malfunctioning furnaces, appliances, gas engines, or
other sources. This Carbon Monoxide alarm is not a substitute
for installing and maintaining an operational smoke alarm .
CO alarms provide early warning of the presence of carbon
monoxide, usually before a healthy adult would experience
This early warning is possible, however, only if the CO alarm is
located, installed and maintained as described in this manual.
CO alarms have limitations. Like any other electronic
device, CO alarms are not fool-proof. CO alarms have a
limited operational life. CO alarms must be tested weekly,
because it could fail to operate at any time. If the alarm fails
to test properly, or if its self-diagnostic test reveals a
malfunction, immediately have the alarm re p l a c e d .
CO alarms will not work without power. This CO alarm
requires a continuous supply of electric power. This CO
alarm is designed to act as a monitor, it is not designed for
use as a short term testing device to perform a quick check
for the presence of CO.
CO alarms can only sense CO that reaches the CO alarm’s
sensor. Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas
without reaching the alarm. The rate at which CO reaches
the alarm may be affected by doors or other obstructions.
In addition, fresh air from a vent or open window or any
other source may prevent CO from reaching the sensor.
CO could be present on one level of the home and not
reach a CO alarm installed on a different level. For
example, CO in the basement may not reach a alarm on the
second level, near the bedrooms.
For this reason, we
recommend you provide complete coverage by placing a CO
alarm on every level of the home.
CO alarms should not be used to detect the presence of
natural gas (methane), propane, butane, or other
combustible fuels.
CO alarms are not a substitute for property, disability, life or
other insurance of any kind. Appropriate insurance coverage
is your responsibility. Consult your insurance agent.
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