C. pICk one InStAlled deVICe
Press and hold the button on ONE INSTALLED device on your network until
you hear two beeps. Release button. You will hear “Searching for other
Light will pulse green and device will sound a continuous “Sonar” ping
until step E is completed.
relAx And WAIt
Wait until the new device has connected to the network. Once connected, the
new device will speak, “Success now connected!”
Once connected, the light ring will glow green.
pICk tHe InStAlled deVICe
Press and hold the button on the INSTALLED device for 5 SECONDS until you hear two beeps. Release button. ”Sonar”
ping will stop.
Device will announce that setup is complete and the number of connect-
ed devices.
F. proCeed to WIrIng InStrUCtIonS In SeCtIon 10.
Figure 9.2-C
Device Being Added
“Searching for
other devices.”
Installed Device
Figure 9.2-D
“Success, now
Figure 9.2-E
Added Device
Installed Device