IMPORTANT: If your Hyper Flyer begins to steer
towards a building or any obstacle you should
immediately pull the speed lever (left lever on
your controller) down for descending or turn
the “On/Off” switch on the controller to “off”
position to shut down the propeller.
This will help avoid crashing and protect against
unnecessary propeller or plane damage.
When Hyper Flyer reaches approx.
50 feet in altitude, depress the
transmitter “roll” button, push the
steering joystick right for a
clock-wise roll, left for a
counterclockwise roll. Hyper Flyer
normally loses some altitude during
avoid continuous rolls at lower
Steer Hyper Flyer into the wind while allowing throttle joystick to move partway
back towards “off”. When Hyper Flyer is approx. 4 feet above ground, allow
throttle joystick to return completely to “off” position
to land plane.
Throttle joystick
at center position
Throttle joystick
at “off” position
Off course, due to side wind
Steering to the right side
for regulating course
Allow “roll” button and steering
joystick to return to neutral
E. Landing
“Tap” the steering joystick to make turns. Never hold the steering joystick
in either left or right direction continuously or Hyper Flyer will spiral
down until it crashes into the ground. Your turns should be gentle and applied
in increments, never continuously
To stop turns, tap the steering joystick in opposite direction
and then allow steering joystick to return to neutral position.
When flying into the wind, Hyper Flyer both turns and gains
altitude more quickly than when flying away from the wind.
When Hyper Flyer is flying straight, a sudden side wind
will disturb its course. Tap the steering joystick in the direction
(left or right) from which the wind is coming to Guide Hyper Flyer back
on course. For example, if a breeze pushes the Hyper Flyer to the left,
tap the steering joystick to the right
4) Some Tips For Maneuvering Hyper Flyer
If Hyper Flyer does not climb at full throttle, even with freashly
charged battery, adjust the elevator so it angles “up” slightly more
by lengthening elevator pushrod as shown
Unscrew clevis to lengthen
Throttle seems ineffective for climbing
Adjusting for straight flight
The Hyper Flight may tend to turn left or right during launch
or flight. This can be adjusted the vertical rudder panel by bending it
slightly left or right. Affix clear tape over bend line to
hold adjustment
Rudder position
for right turn
Rudder position
for left turn