KICKAI-001 Important Product Information Download Page 2

1. Download app from 

iTunes or Google Play & create a profile

2. Make sure the Bluetooth is enabled on 

your smartphone

3. Wake up the sensors


Wake up sensors by shaking them and con-

nect with the app. Please do this step with one 

pair at a time, to avoid connecting to a wrong 

pair. The connection is made in the app, not 

in the phone settings. During the first connec-

tion, the app pairs your sensors and the sen-

sors will not try to connect with other 

app instances. You can “forget” your sensors 

from app settings to connect to another app.

4. Sensor states

• No light, idle 

• White light blinking, Sensor beacon on and 

looking for connection with the app

• Blue light on, Right sensor connected

• Red light on, Left sensor connected

• Orange light blinking, Battery low

• Orange light on, sensor being charged

• Lights off (when charging), sensor fully 


