52" Compass LED | 13
Fig. 21
Fig. 23
Fig. 22
NOTE: Before continuing installation, confirm that the power is still turned off
Before continuing installation, confirm that the power is still turned off
at the main circuit breaker or by removing the circuit fuse. Turning the power
at the main circuit breaker or by removing the circuit fuse. Turning the power
off using a wall switch is not sufficient to prevent electrical stock.
off using a wall switch is not sufficient to prevent electrical stock.
Step 1.
Step 1. Remove three screws on the light plate assembly and keep for later
Remove three screws on the light plate assembly and keep for later
use. (Fig. 21)
use. (Fig. 21)
Step 2.
Step 2. Hold the light kit close to the light plate assembly and connect the
Hold the light kit close to the light plate assembly and connect the
9-pin connector together. Note: The two connectors have keyholes that
9-pin connector together. Note: The two connectors have keyholes that
must be mated correctly before they can be engaged. (Fig. 22)
must be mated correctly before they can be engaged. (Fig. 22)
Step 3.
Step 3. Tuck the connections neatly into light kit, then attach the light kit to
Tuck the connections neatly into light kit, then attach the light kit to
light plate assembly and securely tighten with three screws removed on step
light plate assembly and securely tighten with three screws removed on step
1.(Fig. 23)
1.(Fig. 23)
Step 4
Step 4. Secure the acrylic shade to light plate assembly by twisting in a
. Secure the acrylic shade to light plate assembly by twisting in a
clockwise direction, twist the acrylic shade gradually until it snaps on to the
clockwise direction, twist the acrylic shade gradually until it snaps on to the
light plate assembly. Do not over - tighten. (Fig. 23)
light plate assembly. Do not over - tighten. (Fig. 23)
Light Plate Assembly
9-Pin Connector
Light Plate Assembly
Light Kit
Acrylic Shade