How To Use
Common Functions
A. Boiling Water
1. Remove the glass lid, then add water, the water should be more than minimum water level but
within the maximum level, then cover the glass lid.
2. Connect the plug into power supply, turn the switch to “II” position, the indicator light will be on and
it starts heating
3. About 10 minutes later, after the water boiled, then turn the switch to “O”, the electricity will be cut
off and stop heating.
B. Noodle
1. Remove the glass lid, then add water, the water should be more than minimum water level but
within the maximum level, then cover the glass cover.
2. Connect the plug into the power supply, turn the switch to “II” position, the indicator light will be on
and it starts heating.
3. About few minutes later, put in the noodle when the water boiled, after the water boiled again, turn
the switch to “I”, let it heat slowly and put in seasonings, after it is well cooked, then turn the switch
to position “O” then it will stop heating.
C. Hot Pot
1 Remove the glass cover, then add water, the water should be more than minimum water level but
within the maximum level, then cover the glass cover.
2 Connect the plug into the power supply, turn the switch to “II” position, the indicator light will be on
and it starts heating.
3 About few minutes later, put in the food when the water boiled, after the water boiled again, turn
the switch to “I” and keep heating until the food well cooked; if no need to heat, then turn the switch
to “O” to cut the electricity.
D. Steam
1. Remove the glass cover, then add water, the water should be more than minimum water level but
within the maximum level, then cover the glass cover.
2. Connect the plug into the power supply, turn the switch to “II” position, the indicator light will be on
and it starts heating.
3. Put the food in the pot or in the steamer, the time of the food well cooked depend on the what kind
of food and how much of them. (Example: Peanut 20 minutes, Potato 20 minutes) if no need to heat,
then turn the switch to “O” to cut the electricity.
E. Soup
1. Remove the glass cover, then add water, the water should be more than minimum water level but
within the maximum level, then cover the glass cover.
2. Connect the plug into the power supply, turn the switch to “II” position, the indicator light will be on
and it starts heating.
3. About 10-20 minutes later, after the water boiled, then turn the switch to “I”, then after 10-20
minutes, the soup is well cooked, then turn the switch to “O” to cut the electricity.
1. 在使用此产品之前请认真阅读所有安全注意事项。
2. 假若电线或插头损坏、或是本产品不能操作、或在其他方面有损坏,请勿使用本产品。
3. 本产品不适合这些人士使用;小孩,体力弱及感官,精神上有障礙,缺少经验及知识者;除非
4. 当电源线损坏时,请送往维修中心,所授权的维修中心或拥有同等技术的人士替换,以避免危险。
5. 加热部件表面使用后会残留余热。请勿在使用过程中或使用后立即触摸设备的表面和任何发热部
6. 本产品仅适合家庭式使用,切勿将本产品用于未指定的其他用途。
7. 请不要将产品沉浸在任何水或液体里。
8. 警告!请勿将水溅在插座口上。
9. 警告!错误使用此产品会造成伤害。
10. 如在本产品操作时打开盖子,请注意冒出的高温蒸汽。让双手和脸远离此电器,以免被蒸汽烫伤。
11. 不要装水超过本产品的‘MAX’最高水位标记。溢满的热水将会照成烫伤或者导致电器短路。
12. 不要装水少过本产品的‘MIN’最底水位标记。
13. 本产品应与所提供的电源线一起使用。。
14. 在使用此产品时请注意不要没人看管。
15. 请勿使用或放置此产品靠近煤气炉或则电子炉。
16. 请勿使用此产品在易燃物附近例如煤气,窗帘等。
17. 在使用此产品之前请检查此产品的电压是否符合当地电压标准.
1. 自来水里的“矿物质”或“硬水”,可能会导致不锈钢加热器底座或电器的墙壁表面上出现棕色
或白色斑点和矿物垢, 并造成相似生锈的视觉。但这些斑点是不会生锈及无害的, 可放心食
2. 这些斑点可以用沸腾的柠檬酸晶体溶液(食品级)以除去它们。对于顽固的污渍,你可能需要