D irect Unit Mounting:
The previous directions are the pr eferable way to mount the new rear grill. The units performance is
slightly better and the possibility of draughts is reduced. As a last resor t, direc t mounting of the grille
to the unit can be considered.
Note: The grille must be installed prior to inserting the unit into the sleeve.
1. Attach the 2 seal pieces (1 X3/8 X14 ) as shown in Fig. 1.
2.Position the grille over the rear of the unit making s ure that:
a. The double s et of sc rew holes are at the bottom.
b. The fins of the grill are pointed away fr om the unit.
3. Align the top of the grille w ith the top of the unit. The overhang on eac h side is equal.
4. If the unit has not been pre-drilled (som e models), carefully drill 4-1/8 holes through the
grille and into the side flange of the unit approx imately 1
to 2 from the top and bottom as
in Fig. 2, 3 .
(Be careful not to drill into the copper heat exchanger coils.)
5. Install 4 - #8 self tapping s crews to affix the grille to the unit.
6. Insert the unit into the sleeve.