The Stats button will cause a Port Statistics window to appear. The Stats window can be used to
confirm that a baud rate for the selected port is set at your intended value. It may also be used to
document the existence of communications errors.
The Status text box displays current status of the selected port. Information in this text box is
dynamically updated.
The Special Menu
the Special menu
The Keyspan Manager's Special menu is located in the Menu bar and provides access to the
following command(s):
The Display Driver Events command copies the Keyspan Adapter's serial driver's internal event
buffer into the Keyspan Manager's event log and displays it in a window. This capability may be
useful when troubleshooting a communications problem with the help of Keyspan staff.
The Display Port Statistics command functions the same as the Stats button button in the
Keyspan Manager's window.
(continued on next page...)
Keyspan:USB Twin Serial Adapter for Mac OS-v1.9 User Manual
This User Manual applies to the Keyspan USB Twin Serial Adapter Software for Mac OS.
(rev 02may12JA)
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