Keysight E8357D/67D & E8663D PSG User’s Guide 171
Optimizing Performance
Wideband IQ/FM Mode <3.2 GHz (Option 018)
Wideband IQ/FM Mode <3.2 GHz (Option 018)
Wideband IQ/FM mode (Option 018) provides the following features for
frequencies <3.2 GHz:
— Wideband I/Q bandwidth
— Improved IQ frequency response (with an internal BBG)
— Wider FM and Phase-modulation deviation
External differential inputs, on the rear panel (Wide I and Wide Q) are provided
for direct access to the microwave I/Q modulator.
To enable the wideband I/Q inputs refer to
Figure 4-9
Wideband IQ/FM Softkey Menu
Frequency > More > More > RF Path
This softkey selects the
downconverted RF path
below 3.2 GHz. When this
path is active, the low
band frequencies are
generated by a
downconverter. This
enables very wide I/Q
and FM performance.
This message is displayed when the Wideband IQ/FM softkey has been pressed.