Keysight M9383A PXIe Vector Signal Generator
One of the key advantages of using C# in the Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) is IntelliSense. IntelliSense is a form of auto-
completion for variable names and functions and a convenient way to access
parameter lists and ensure correct syntax. This feature also enhances software
development by reducing the amount of keyboard input required.
Step 6 - Write the Program Steps
At this point, you can add program steps that use the driver instances to perform
Using the Soft Front Panel to Write Program Commands
You may find it useful when developing a program to use the instrument's Soft
Front Panel (SFP) "Driver Call Log"; this driver call log is used to view a list of driver
calls that have been performed when changes are made to the controls on the soft
front panel.
In this example, open the Soft Front Panel for the PXIe VSG and perform the
following steps:
Set the output frequency to 1 GHz.
Set the output level to 0 dBm.
Enable the ALC.
Enable the RF Output.
KtM9383 is the driver name used by the SFP. VsgDriver is the instance of the driver
that is used in this example. This instance would have been created in, "Step 4 –
Create Instances of the IVI COM Drivers".
IKtM9383 VsgDriver =
// Set the output frequency to 1 GHz
VsgDriver.RF.Frequency =
// Set the output level to 0 dBm
VsgDriver.RF.Level =
// Enables the ALC
VsgDriver.ALC.Enabled =
// Enables the RF Output
VsgDriver.RF.OutputEnabled =
// Waits until the list is finished or the specified
time passes
bool retval = VsgDriver.List.WaitUntilComplete();
//…or you could use the following:
// Waits 100 ms until output is settled before
producing signal
bool retval = VsgDriver.RF.WaitUntilSettled(