89600 VSA Software Configuration
Multiboard synchronization:
This feature is not supported with M9203A digit-
By default 89600 VSA software automatically detects when a change of parameter
requires a new calibration of the digitizer module. This requirement is indicated on the
bottom right of the screen.
When a calibration is needed, user can either launch it from Utilities > Calibration or
by clicking on
CAL: Needed
It is possible to let the digitizer automatically performs a selfcalibration when required
by a change of the acquisition or digitizer parameter. To proceed, you have to enable
the option MD2 Auto Calibration from Input > Extensions window, then to manually
start the calibration once. The following calibrations will be automatic.
However, the MD2 Auto Calibration mode is not recommended when you are
modifying several parameters, since it can be time consuming to perform a calibration
after each parameter change.
Multi-Channel Measurements
When using the Keysight High Speed Digitizers in VSA configuration, the digitizer
forms the measurement front-end data acquisition hardware for the 89600 VSA
The M9203A digitizer supports single channel I+jQ, and cross channel measurement
M9203A Hardware Extension of 89600 VSA Software