Step 6: Configure Your MIMO Solution and Verify Operability
Keysight IO Libraries Suite
Keysight M9381A VSG Software
Keysight M9391A VSA Software
Keysight M9018A 18 Slot PXIe Chassis Drivers
Additional software may be included with your solution that requires licensing. For any additional licensed
software products that you include in your solution you receive a Software Entitlement Certificate, for
Keysight 89600 VSA Software (if you are using M9391A VSAs)
Keysight Signal Studio Applications Software
Keysight Waveform 5 or 50 packs (optional)
Keysight X-Series Measurement Applications for Modular Instruments (optional)
For each of these licensed products, whether installed on your M9036A/M9037A Embedded Controller, or
installed on your PC, you must redeem your license. Follow the instructions on your Software Entitlement
Certificate to license and enable your new software.
Step 6: Configure Your MIMO Solution and Verify Operability
In this section you will run the Keysight MIMO Configuration Utility that you installed in Step 4. See
. After installing the files on the Keysight MIMO Accessory Kit Software and Information
CD (Keysight part number Y1299-10001) the MIMO Configuration Utility software can be found at C:\Pro-
gram Files (x86)\Keysight \MIMO Config Utility. Select Start > All Programs > Keysight > MIMO Config Util-
It is important that this program, or the MIMO Demo Tool be run before the Keysight 89600 VSA software is star-
ted and connected to the hardware, so that backplane trigger routings are set properly. For more information
on the MIMO Demo Tool see
Step 7: Installation is Complete (page 32)
. To use step 5 of the following func-
tionality, you must restart as Administrator.
1. Select Run Auto-Config.
2. Select Properties > Run Chassis
Trigger Configuration on Windows
3. Select Run Self-Test.
4. Select Run Sample Waveform.
5. Select Configure 89600. NOTE: To
use this functionality, please
restart as Administrator.
You now see the waveform shown in the following figure.
LTE/LTE-A Multi-Channel Reference Solution