:SEARch Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:SEARch:GLITch:GREaterthan <greater_than_time>[<suffix>]
<greater_than_time> ::= floating-point number in NR3 format
<suffix> ::= {s | ms | us | ns | ps}
The :SEARch:GLITch:GREaterthan command sets the minimum pulse width
duration for the selected :SEARch:GLITch:SOURce.
Query Syntax
The :SEARch:GLITch:GREaterthan? query returns the minimum pulse width
duration time for :SEARch:GLITch:SOURce.
Return Format
<greater_than_time> ::= floating-point number in NR3 format.
See Also
, “:SEARch Commands,” starting on page 945