Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:POWer Commands
Command Syntax
:POWer:SWITch:CONDuction <conduction>
<conduction> ::= {WAVeform | RDS | VCE}
The :POWer:SWITch:CONDuction command specifies the conduction calculation
• WAVeform — The Power waveform uses the original voltage waveform data,
and the calculation is: P = V x I
• RDS — Rds(on) — The Power waveform includes error correction:
In the On Zone (where the voltage level is below V Ref) – the Power
calculation is: P = Id2 x Rds(on)
Specify Rds(on) using the :POWer:SWITch:RDS command.
In the Off Zone (where the current level is below I Ref) – the Power
calculation is: P = 0 Watt.
• VCE — Vce(sat) — The Power waveform includes error correction:
In the On Zone (where the voltage level is below V Ref) – the Power
calculation is: P = Vce(sat) x Ic
Specify Vce(sat) using the :POWer:SWITch:VCE command.
In the Off Zone (where the current level is below I Ref) – the Power
calculation is: P = 0 Watt.
Query Syntax
The :POWer:SWITch:CONDuction query returns the conduction calculation
Return Format
<conduction> ::= {WAV | RDS | VCE}
See Also