:ACQuire Commands
Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Command Syntax
:ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]:AUTO {{0 | OFF} | {1 | ON}}
The :ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]:AUTO command enables or disables Automatic
determination of the analog channel sample rate:
• ON — the analog channel sample rate is automatically determined by the
oscilloscope based on the horizontal time/div setting (Automatic mode, the
oscilloscope's default).
This is equivalent to turning Digitizer mode off using the :ACQuire:DIGitizer
• OFF — the anallog channel sample rate is set using the
:ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog] command.
This is equivalent to turning Digitizer mode on using the :ACQuire:DIGitizer
The Automatic or Digitizer mode setting also affects the memory depth (see the
:ACQuire:POINts[:ANALog] command).
Query Syntax
The :ACQuire:SRATe[:ANALog]:AUTO? query returns the automatic analog sample
rate setting.
Return Format
<setting> ::= {0 | 1}
See Also