Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
:ACQuire Commands
Command Syntax
:ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt <count>
<count> ::= an integer from 2 to 1000 (w/4M memory) in NR1 format
The :ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt command sets the number of memory segments
to acquire.
The segmented memory acquisition mode is enabled with the :ACQuire:MODE
command, and data is acquired using the :DIGitize, :SINGle, or :RUN commands.
The number of memory segments in the current acquisition is returned by the
:WAVeform:SEGMented:COUNt? query.
The maximum number of segments may be limited by the memory depth of your
oscilloscope. For example, an oscilloscope with 1M memory allows a maximum of
250 segments.
Query Syntax
The :ACQuire:SEGMented:COUNt? query returns the current count setting.
Return Format
<count> ::= an integer from 2 to 1000 (w/4M memory) in NR1 format
See Also
"Introduction to :ACQuire Commands"
Example Code