Keysight InfiniiVision M9241/42/43A PXIe Oscilloscopes SCPI Programmer's Guide
Obsolete and Discontinued Commands
Command Syntax
:FUNCtion:GOFT:OPERation <operation>
<operation> ::= {ADD | SUBTract | MULTiply}
The :FUNCtion:GOFT:OPERation command sets the math operation for the g(t)
source that can be used as the input to transform or filter functions (if available):
• ADD — S source2.
• SUBTract — Source1 - source2.
• MULTiply — Source1 * source2.
The :FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce1 and :FUNCtion:GOFT:SOURce2 commands are
used to select source1 and source2.